Temperance -- Study Guide
Typical Temperance Addresses by Ellen G.White
pages 267-292 Te-SG 57.1
1. In Norway at a public address with church and other influential people present, “I took up the subject from a ________________ standpoint, showing that the ________________ is full of ________________ bearing upon temperance, and that ________________ was connected with the work of ________________, even from the beginning.” (267) Te-SG 57.2
2. “I showed the ________________ of temperate habits by citing ________________ and ________________ from Bible history.” (268) Te-SG 57.3
3. The warning and judgment of God because of Nadab and Abihu’s sin shows the necessity of distinguishing “between ________________ and common things.” (268) “This ________________ and solemn command was to extend from ________________ to ________________, to the close of time.” (268) Te-SG 57.4
4. What other Bible characters were presented as related to temperance?
(a) ________________________________________________ (269)
(b) ________________________________________________ (271)
Te-SG 57.5
5. In her appeal for temperance and against intemperance, Sister White gives this challenge: “Our ________________, our ________________, our ________________, and our ________________ are needed. Shall we take hold of this ________________, and live to ________________ God and bless our ________________? Shall we build up the Lord’s ________________ in the earth?” (273) Te-SG 57.6
6. Why is all this necessary? “A great controversy is ________________ on in the ________________. Satan is ________________ to have the ________________ race as his ________________, but Christ has paid an infinite ________________ that man may be ________________ from the enemy, and that the ________________ image of God may be ________________ to the fallen race.” (274) Te-SG 57.7
7. “. . . never can we comprehend the ________________ character of the ________________ of indulging perverted appetite except as we ________________ the ________________ meaning of the long ________________ of the Son of God.” (275) Te-SG 58.1
8. “God requires that His ________________ shall ________________ themselves ________________ from . . . ________________ and disastrous habits.” (279) Te-SG 58.2
9. What provision is made to conquer harmful habits? “He came to earth that He might ________________ divine power with ________________ effort, and by cooperation with Christ, by ________________ the ________________ on the side of God, the slave may become free, an ________________ of God and joint ________________ with Christ.” (280) Te-SG 58.3
10. Where did Christ begin His work in our behalf? “He began the ________________ where the ruin ________________, and on the ________________ of ________________ He overcame the power of the ________________ one in our behalf.” (282) Te-SG 58.4
11. “The ________________ question is of ________________ importance to each one of us. It is ________________. I have spoken ________________ times in succession on this subject, and then only ________________ on it.” (284) Te-SG 58.5
12. Note the confident message of victory over intemperance through Christ providing self-control (temperance):
(a) “He came to bring ________________ power to man. This is our ________________ hope.” (286)
(b) “He has ________________ man in the scale of ________________ value.” (286)
Te-SG 58.6
(c) “There is ________________ for the most ________________ in Christ.” (286)
(d) “Christ’s taking ________________ nature upon Himself shows that He places a ________________ upon ________________ soul.” (287)
(e) “Christ came to redeem, to ________________ man, for He took ________________ nature upon Him.” (289)
(f) “Young ________________, young ________________, you are ________________ your lot in the ________________ today. Let ________________ come in. He will ________________ you from ________________.” (291)
Te-SG 58.7
13. A blessed promise: “No one can be written in the ________________ of ________________ who is a ________________. Resist ________________ as a man. In the ________________ of Jesus Christ of Nazareth you can lay hold upon ________________. Christ will ________________ in behalf of ________________ of you.” (291) Te-SG 58.8