Temperance -- Study Guide


Removing the Temptation

pages 203-209 Te-SG 34.1

1. The evils brought on by liquor end with the drunkard and his family. ___ true ___ false (205) Te-SG 34.2

2. Prohibition is set forth as giving help:
(a) to the drunkard, by removing the cause,

(b) to all of us, for “we are all ________________ together in the web of ________________.” (208)
Te-SG 34.3

3. What can be done?
(a) “Let an ________________ be formed” to stop the sale of liquor.
(b) “Let the ________________ from the liquor traffic be made plain, and a public ________________ be created that shall demand its prohibition.”
(c) “Let the drink-maddened men be given an ________________ to ________________ from their thralldom.”
(d) “Let the ________________ of the ________________ demand of its lawmakers that a stop be put to this infamous traffic.” (209)
Te-SG 34.4

Diversion and Harmless Substitutes Te-SG 35.1

pages 209-213 Te-SG 35.2

1. “Idleness, lack of aim, or evil associations, may be the ________________ cause.” (209) Te-SG 35.3

2. Why is an attractive home important? (209) Te-SG 35.4

3. “One of the surest safeguards for the young is useful ________________.” (210) Te-SG 35.5

4. Instead of sinful amusements, “provide in their stead ________________ pleasures, which shall not ________________ or corrupt the morals.” (211) Te-SG 35.6

5. Try to “make the ________________ as interesting as possible.” (211) Te-SG 35.7

6. Present “the ________________ of the Christian life.” (212) Te-SG 35.8