Temperance -- Study Guide


Education in Temperance

pages 194-197 Te-SG 32.1

1. Note the threefold plan:
(a) “Let ________________ be enacted”
(b) “Let every effort be made to encourage the ________________ return to ________________ and virtue”
(c) “Let the appetite for ________________ liquors be ________________, and their use and ________________ is at an end.” (194)
Te-SG 32.2

2. Life, health, and character are the rewards of temperance. These are endangered by intemperance. “Temperance reformers have a work to do in ________________ the people in these lines.” (195) Te-SG 32.3

3. We are asked to “reason from ________________ to effect.” (196) Te-SG 32.4

4. Successful temperance programming depends upon the ax being laid at the root of the tree. “The roots of intemperance lie ________________ than mere liquor drinking. In order to make the temperance movement a ________________, the work of ________________ must begin at our ________________.” (196) Te-SG 32.5

5. Note the schedule for temperance evangelism on page 197. Here is the eight point approach : Te-SG 32.6

(1) Show people “what a blessing the ________________ of ________________ principles will be to them.” Te-SG 32.7

(2) “Let them see what God ______________________ men and women to ________________.” Te-SG 32.8

(3) “Point to the great ________________ made for the ________________ and ________________ of the human race.” Te-SG 32.9

(4) “With the ________________ in hand, present the ________________ of God.” Te-SG 32.10

(5) “Clearly, ________________, earnestly,” tell them about the millions of wasted dollars spent on intemperate habits. Te-SG 32.11

(6) “Tell your hearers of the ________________, who came to this world to save men and women from all ________________.” Te-SG 32.12

(7) “Ask those who attend the meetings to ________________ you in the ________________ that you are trying to do.” Te-SG 32.13

(8) “Ask them to ________________ the pledge.” Te-SG 32.14