Steps to Christ -- Study Guide
“The Sinner’s Need of Christ”
15. How has sin affected man’s mind? (17)
SC-SG 7.1
16. Describe the condition of the unrenewed heart. (17)
SC-SG 7.2
17. What would heaven be like to an unrepentant sinner? (17, 18)
SC-SG 7.3
18. Why are education, culture, the exercise of the will, human effort, not adequate to bring a person to holiness? (18)
SC-SG 7.4
19. True or False. To develop the good that exists in man by nature is all that is necessary to be saved. (18, 19) SC-SG 7.5
20. Why is it not enough to know about God? Give Scripture support for your answer. (19)
SC-SG 7.6
21. What does the ladder in Jacob’s dream represent? (20)
SC-SG 8.1
Note also the New Testament application.
SC-SG 8.2
22. Make a list of the agencies enlisted in man’s behalf to save him. (21)
SC-SG 8.3
23. What means does God use to warn us against the service of Satan? (21, 22)
SC-SG 8.4