Selected Messages, Book 3 -- Study Guide

Chapter 56 - As We Near the End

17. When some appear before rulers, what surprise will come? (3SM 404.1)
3SM-SG 79.1

18. Christ cleansed the temple twice. What two distinct calls are to be made to the churches? (3SM 405.1, 406)
3SM-SG 79.2

19. “As we near the close of this earth’s history, we more _______ and more __________ in Christian growth, or we _________ just as decidedly.” (3SM 407.1) 3SM-SG 79.3

20. When will backsliding Adventists unite with unbelievers? (3SM 407.1, 408)
3SM-SG 79.4

21. What is the science of the devil? (3SM 408.1)
3SM-SG 79.5

22. What is one of the greatest evidences that the loud cry is soon to be heard? (3SM 410.1)
3SM-SG 80.1

23. What form do evil angels sometimes take? What will they do? (3SM 410.1, 411)
3SM-SG 80.2

24. What is the warning of Ephesians 6? (3SM 411.1)
3SM-SG 80.3