Last Day Events -- Study Guide


Chapter 12

Pages 172-182

A. The Reason for Being Shaken Out of the Church LDE-SG 30.1

1. Related to the Christian lifestyle: Those who “possess no more ___________________ and ___________________ than do the nominal churches.” (LDE 172:2) LDE-SG 30.2

2. Related to the extremes: ” ___________________ on the one hand and ___________________ on the other.” (LDE 175:0) LDE-SG 30.3

3. Related to doctrines: Those who “will give heed to ___________________ and ___________________ of ___________________ will depart from the faith.” (LDE 177:2) LDE-SG 30.4

4. Related to the Testimonies: “When the Testimonies . . . are ___________________ and ___________________, Satan . . . launches them into ___________________, which becomes incurable.” (LDE 178:2) LDE-SG 30.5

B. The Extent of the Shaking LDE-SG 30.6

5. “A ___________________ than we now anticipate.” (LDE 174:2) LDE-SG 30.7

6. “The ___________________ of those who now appear to be genuine and true.” (LDE 180:3) LDE-SG 30.8

7. “As the storm approaches, a ___________________ who have professed faith . . . abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition.” (LDE 180:6; 181:0) LDE-SG 30.9

8. Among Church leaders: ” ___________________ be the apostasies of men who have occupied responsible positions.” (LDE 179:1) LDE-SG 31.1

C. Good News in the Midst of Trouble LDE-SG 31.2

9. The Church will not fall. (LDE 180:5) LDE-SG 31.3

10. The true Christian “will stand firm as a rock, his faith stronger, his hope brighter. . . .” (LDE 181:3) LDE-SG 31.4

11. Large numbers will enter to the Church. (LDE 182:2) LDE-SG 31.5