The Ministry of Healing -- Study Guide
Saved to Serve (95-107)
1. Describe the physical appearance of the two madmen before and after they encountered Jesus. (95, 97)
MH-SG 10.1
2. The restored demoniacs had never heard Christ preach a sermon and could not instruct the people as the disciples could. But what could they do? (99)
MH-SG 10.2
3. “God desires that our praise shall ascend to Him, ______________________________________.” (100) MH-SG 10.3
4. When one comes to know the Saviour, what does he want to do? (102)
MH-SG 10.4
5. What is Christ’s rule of life by which each of us must stand or fall in the judgment? (104, 105)
MH-SG 10.5
6. Where will we find Christ’s footprints today? (106)
MH-SG 10.6