The Ministry of Healing -- Study Guide


Liquor Traffic and Prohibition (337-346)

1. List some of the places that are filled as a result of the liquor seller’s work. (338)

MH-SG 37.1

2. Where are the liquor seller’s traps set? (338)

MH-SG 37.2

3. What problems can result from drunken mothers? (339)

MH-SG 37.3

4. Why are civilized nations hated in some parts of the earth? (339)

MH-SG 37.4

5. What is the government in effect doing when it licenses liquor traffic? (342)

MH-SG 37.5

6. Upon what does “the very life of the traffic” depend (342)

MH-SG 37.6

For further study: Be prepared to discuss the financial aspects of the liquor business. (343, 344) MH-SG 37.7