The Ministry of Healing -- Study Guide
Extremes in Diet (318-324)
1. What are some of the extremes in so-called diet “reform”? (318)
MH-SG 33.6
2. “Those who understand the ___________________ and who are ___________________, will shun the extremes, both of ___________________ and of ___________________.” (319) MH-SG 33.7
3. Why should we not set up rules to regulate everyone’s diet? (319, 320)
MH-SG 33.8
4. “As disease in animals increases, the use of ___________________ and ___________________ will become more and more unsafe.” (320) MH-SG 34.1
5. What advice is given to those who are constantly worried about their diet? (321)
MH-SG 34.2
6. What is “one of the first duties of the householder”? (322)
MH-SG 34.3
7. “The regular supply of food for our tables should be such that the ___________________ can be made welcome without ___________________ to make extra preparation.” (322, 323) MH-SG 34.4
8. Instead of trying to see how different they can be from others, what should hygienists do? (323, 324)
MH-SG 34.5
9. How will a true “reformer” react to opposition and criticism (324)
MH-SG 34.6