The Ministry of Healing -- Study Guide

Hygiene among the Israelites (277-286)

1. Why did God give the Israelites such detailed health laws? (277)

MH-SG 28.1

2. How was a contagious disease treated? (277)

MH-SG 28.2

3. What two things were the people required to do before gathering at Mount Sinai (279)

MH-SG 28.3

4. “That which corrupts the ___________________ tends to corrupt the ___________________. It unfits the user for ___________________, ___________________, unfits him for high and holy service.” (280) MH-SG 28.4

5. What are “health’s greatest safeguards”? (281)

MH-SG 28.5

6. Write in your own words the instructions God gave to Israel regarding the teaching of moral laws as found in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. (283)
MH-SG 28.6