The Great Controversy -- Study Guide


Chapter 34 — Spiritualism

1. What is the basic principle of Spiritualism, or Spiritism? It is the logical conclusion of what false premise? 551:1,2 [623:1,2]
GC-SG 65.1

2. What physical manifestations seem to give support to the claims of Spiritism? When these are accepted so what they seem to be what fatal deceptions follow? 552:1,2 [624:1,2]
GC-SG 65.2

3. Houdini claimed that he could by sleight-of-hand, duplicate any spiritistic phenomena, and believed them all fraudulent. Sir Oliver Lodge maintained that he had unmistakably communicated with his deceased son. Where does the truth lie, according to Scripture, and known facts? 553:1,2 [625:1,2]
GC-SG 65.3

4. What pleasing appeal is made to the cultured and refined, relating to their future progress? How is this supposed progress shown to be downward rather than upward? 553:3-555:2 [627:1-628:2]
GC-SG 65.4

5. What teachings through the “spirits” are pleasing to the self-indulgent and the sensual? 555:3 [628:3]
GC-SG 65.5

6. What plain Bible statements would, if believed, be a safeguard against the deceptions of Spiritism? What evidence do we have that the practises of Spiritualism are not new but ancient? 556:1,2 [629:1,2]
GC-SG 65.6

7. What teachings that have come through the “spirits” undermine the basic principles of the plan of salvation? 556:3-557:2 [629:3-630:2]
GC-SG 65.7

8. In what modern guise is Spiritism even more dangerous than formerly? 558:1 [631:1]
GC-SG 65.8

9. What are the dangers of investigating the claims of this deceptive movement? How will the true Christian meet them? 558:2-559:2 [632:1-633:1]
GC-SG 65.9

10. What strong tests of our faith in God’s word may perhaps come to us individually as we enter more fully into “the hour of temptation”? What help would be sent, if necessary, for our protection? 560:1,2 [633:2,3]
GC-SG 65.10

11. What is the explanation of the anger of the nations and universal preparation for war? How many will finally be found in the ranks of Spiritism? 561:1-562:2 [634:2-635:1]
GC-SG 65.11