The Great Controversy -- Study Guide


Chapter 7 — Luther’s Separation from Rome

1. The time covered in this chapter is from Luther’s birth, in 1483, to the final bull, excommunicating him from the church, issued by the pope in 1520. GC-SG 16.1

2. As an illustration of the potential powers of consecrated youth, note that at fourteen Luther entered Magdeburg; at eighteen he began studies at Erfurth; at twenty he discovered the Latin Bible. He was twenty-two when he entered the monastery, and he was ordained priest at twenty-four. GC-SG 16.2

The following year he was called as a professor to the university. He began to preach at twenty-six. His memorable Journey to Rome was made at the age of twenty-seven. He was thirty-five when he made public his ninety-five theses against indulgences. Two years later he was excommunicated. GC-SG 16.3

3. What is there to commend, and what to question, regarding the parental training of Martin as a boy? 120:3-121:1 [137:3-138:1]
GC-SG 16.4

4. In analyzing the personal characteristics that marked Luther, memorize the second sentence of the chapter, and note 121:3-122:2; 123:1 [138:4-139:1; 140:3] GC-SG 16.5

5. As in the case of Saul, the persecutor, so with Luther—the extremely conscientious zeal that marked each while in error, made him a power in the service of God when the light shone into his soul. Trace through the story the gradual enlightenment of his mind. (cf. Philippians 3:5-9; Galatians 1:14) 123:1, 2; 124:2; 128:3; 139:2; 143:1 [140:2, 3; 141:2; 147:2; 160:1; 164:1] GC-SG 16.6

6. While Luther constantly appears in the foreground, others were used of God to act as wise counselors, spiritual helpers, or protectors. 123:3; 134:2; 147:3; 138:3; 140:2 [141:1; 154:2; 158:2; 159:2; 160:4]. As an illustration of how God used men who tended to opposite extremes to make them mutually helpful in His work, see “Early Writings,” 224:1, 2. GC-SG 16.7

7. What was Luther’s own attitude toward the subject of Christian education? 125:2; 132:2; 139:1; 140:5 [143:2; 152:1; 159:4; 161:3:]
GC-SG 17.1

8. What evidences may be found of a great lay movement in behalf of the new-found truths? 133:1; 139:1-3; 141:1 [152:3; 159:4-160:2; 161:4]
GC-SG 17.2

9. Wycliffe and Luther were marvelously protected in their work. Huss and Jerome suffered martyrdom early in their career. The death of some, the courageous lives of others, equally contributed to the purposes of God. Whether or not the reformer paid with his life, he did in his heart offer himself to God for life or for death. (Philippians 1:20) 134:3; 137:3; 140:1; 141:2 [154:3; 158:2; 160:3; 162:1] GC-SG 17.3

10. Even Luther was at times troubled with doubts regarding his work. How did he overcome them? 143:1 [164:1].
GC-SG 17.4

11. What practical lessons are drawn from this portion of Luther’s mission, in pointing out conditions parallel to our own time? 143:3-144:1 [165:1, 2]
GC-SG 17.5