Mind, Character, and Personality -- Study Guide
Lesson Two - Basic Relationships—Development of The Mind
Reading Assignment: Pages 59-128 MCP-SG 9.1
1. a. What proportion of diseases have their foundation in the mind?
b. What three specific problem areas are suggested? (59)
MCP-SG 9.2
2. How can we keep our minds “free and happy”? (60)
MCP-SG 9.3
3. a. What things can have a “ruinous effect” on health?
b. What can be “life-giving”? (60, 61)
MCP-SG 9.4
4. The “love which Christ diffuses” brings what results? (65)
MCP-SG 9.5
5. A “powerful stimulus” promised in fighting the battles of the Lord is ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________. (68) MCP-SG 9.6
6. “As a safeguard against ________, the ________ of the mind with _________ is worth more than unnumbered _____________ of law and _______________.” (69) MCP-SG 9.7
7. The “only medium” through which Heaven can communicate to man is the _______ __________. (73) MCP-SG 9.8
8. What happens to the character of youth who become addicted to alcohol and drugs? (76)
MCP-SG 10.1
9. Why are some people “not fitted to correct the erring”? (80)
MCP-SG 10.2
10. What actions determine “life’s happiness” and “life’s bitterness”? (85, 86)
MCP-SG 10.3
11. The most important reason for prizing the Bible is ____________ ________________________________________. (90, 91) MCP-SG 10.4
12. What is the meaning of “a new heart” that God gives us? (95).
MCP-SG 10.5
13. When we study the Bible, we are “not given new mental powers,” but the ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________. (98) MCP-SG 10.6
14. “True success in any line of work is not the result of __________ or _____________ or _____________.” What is it the result of? (100) MCP-SG 10.7
15. “In the __________ walks of life there is many a __________ patiently treading the round of his daily ________, unconscious of latent _________ that, ___________ to action, would place him among the world’s ________ ___________.” (101) MCP-SG 11.1
16. What does the devil laugh about? (104)
MCP-SG 11.2
17. “The nature of one’s _______________ ___________________ is revealed by the character of the ____________ one chooses to _________ in one’s leisure ____________.” (108) MCP-SG 11.3
18. Why are love stories and exciting tales “a curse”? (110, 111)
MCP-SG 11.4
19. “Excessive indulgence in _______________, ______________, _____________, or ___________ is sin.” (112) MCP-SG 11.5
20. List some bad “mental foods.” (112, 113)
MCP-SG 11.6
21. How is the mind benefited by
fresh air? (116)
MCP-SG 11.7
22. How will the “religion of Christ” affect every Christian? (124)
MCP-SG 12.1
23. Why are emotions not always to be trusted? (126)
MCP-SG 12.2
24. How can feelings be for our good at times? (127)
MCP-SG 12.3
Discussion Points: MCP-SG 12.4
1. How is it possible to “educate” ourselves to love sin? (74, 75)
MCP-SG 12.5
2. Consider the contrasting effects on youth of “arbitrary restraint” and petting. (81)
MCP-SG 12.6
3. What are several positive results of Bible study? (Ch. 11, pp. 89-98)
MCP-SG 12.7
4. What is meant by the term “sanctified ambition”? (102, 103)
MCP-SG 12.8
5. Study carefully the counsels regarding reading and seeing, and make application to TV and/or movies. (Ch. 13, pp. 107-114) MCP-SG 12.9