Mind, Character, and Personality -- Study Guide


Lesson Twelve - Practical Psychology—The Principles of Psychology

Reading Assignment: Pages 755-812 MCP-SG 47.1

1. ” ________ agencies are the _______ of heavenly __________.” (756) MCP-SG 47.2

2. How might we “delight” the tempter? What should we do instead? (757, 758) MCP-SG 47.3

3. “The _______ in which ________ has once taken ___________ can never _______________________ freely to truth, even after _________________________.” (759) MCP-SG 47.4

4. In what way only can we successfully resist temptation from within and from without? (760)

MCP-SG 47.5

5. Consider several positive effects on the life when the Spirit takes possession. (760, 761)

MCP-SG 47.6

6. “You must _____ good before you can _____ good.” (768) MCP-SG 47.7

7. In the wilderness as a shepherd, what important habits did Moses develop? (768)

MCP-SG 47.8

8. Why is the following declaration wrong: “It is nobody’s business whether I eat this or that”? (769, 770)

MCP-SG 48.1

9. ” ____________ and _______ will often prove a greater benefit to the sick than will the most __________ ________________ given in a _______, ____________________way.” (771) MCP-SG 48.2

10. What are some of the perils of sharing confidences? (775-780)

MCP-SG 48.3

11. When we sit at the feet of Jesus, we exchange our natural independence and self-confidence and strong self-will for__________________________________________________. (783) MCP-SG 48.4

12. How may we become “more than a millionaire in heaven”? (786)

MCP-SG 48.5

13. “The sum and substance of true religion is _________________ _____________________________________________.” (787) MCP-SG 48.6

14. “Christ does not _____________ the man by the ____________ of work he does but by the __________ in which the ______ is performed.” (787) MCP-SG 48.7

15. What is the very best example we can give to others? (789, 790)

MCP-SG 49.1

16. What is “unsanctified sensitiveness”? (790, 791)

MCP-SG 49.2

17. Satan brings dissension so that the world will be deprived of the most powerful testimony Christians can give it. What is that testimony? (791)

MCP-SG 49.3

18. “Nothing tends more to __________ health of ________ and of __________ than does a spirit of ________________ and __________.” (797) MCP-SG 49.4

19. What does it mean to “gather the roses and lilies and the pinks”? (807, 808)

MCP-SG 49.5

20. How did Ellen White meet personal depression? (811, 812)

MCP-SG 49.6

Discussion Points: MCP-SG 50.1

1. Discuss the contrasts that result from “intellect ennobled” and “intellect perverted.” (785, 786)

MCP-SG 50.2

2. Tell how the mind is affected by the following negative influences: complaining, faultfinding, suspecting evil, judging, envy, jealousy, unholy temper, self-exaltation, etc. (Ch. 88, pp. 789-796)

MCP-SG 50.3

3. What are the positive influences that can be exerted on the mind, and what are the effects of these influences? (Ch. 89, pp. 797-806)

MCP-SG 50.4

4. Find several principles for meeting depression in the counsel given to a middle-aged woman. (807-810)

MCP-SG 50.5