Mind, Character, and Personality -- Study Guide


Lesson Ten - Thoughts and Their Influences — False Systems of Therapy

Reading Assignment: Pages 655-710 MCP-SG 39.1

1. Temptation does not create the evil, but rather reveals “that which was __________ and __________ in the heart.” (657) MCP-SG 39.2

2. Though Satan cannot read our thoughts, how is he able to adapt his temptations to meet each individual? (658)

MCP-SG 39.3

3. “If the _______________ are wrong, the ______________ will be wrong, and the thoughts and _______________ combined make up the ________ __________________.” (660) MCP-SG 39.4

4. How serious is it to indulge in vain imaginations and impure thoughts? (661)

MCP-SG 39.5

5. What can we do to strengthen thoughts and feelings? (663)

MCP-SG 39.6

6. Our last thought at night and our “first thought in the morning should be __________________________________________.” (666) MCP-SG 39.7

7. If we keep near to God in every unexpected trial, what promise may we claim? (670)

MCP-SG 39.8

8. Why does God not remove all excuse or occasion for unbelief? (672)

MCP-SG 40.1

9. What is our only safety when we are tortured with doubt? (672)

MCP-SG 40.2

10. “The assurance of God’s approval will promote _______________ _________. It fortifies the soul against, _________, _________, and _______________ grief.” (674) MCP-SG 40.3

11. How did Ellen White personally repulse doubt? (675)

MCP-SG 40.4

12. List some sure remedies for a diseased imagination. (683)

MCP-SG 40.5

13. Why is it wrong to “break” the will? (688)

MCP-SG 40.6

14. Strength of character consists of what two things? (689)

MCP-SG 40.7

15. How is the will to be used in dealing with sickness? (690)

MCP-SG 41.1

16. We cannot control our _____________or our ______________ as we may desire, but we “can control the_____________.” (694) MCP-SG 41.2

17. “Angels of God will preserve His people while they _________ in the _________ of duty; but there is no ______________ of such ________________ for those who __________________ venture upon _____________ ground.” (700) MCP-SG 41.3

18. How are “dark hours of trial” to be received? (703)

MCP-SG 41.4

19. In what way is the mind that is put under the control of another human being permanently damaged? (706) MCP-SG 41.5

20. What is the “true science of healing”? (706, 707)

MCP-SG 41.6

21. “Christian unity” does not mean what? (708)

MCP-SG 41.7

22. “A ___________ church is composed of healthy ___________, of men and women who have a ___________ ______________ in true __________________.” (710) MCP-SG 42.1

Discussion Points: MCP-SG 42.2

1. Consider several alternatives to doubting. (See ch. 74, pp. 671-680.)

MCP-SG 42.3

2. Note how Satan feels about our doubts. He exultant,” “delights,” “loves to have us feel that the Lord will do us harm,” is “grinning in exultation.” Find these and others in the chapter on doubts. (675-679)

MCP-SG 42.4

3. Search for several causes of doubt and skepticism. At least four are listed on pages 677-679.

MCP-SG 42.5

4. List several ways that Satan is using false science to advance his work. (Ch. 77, pp. 697-703)

MCP-SG 42.6

5. Review several dangers of mind controlling mind. (704, 705)

MCP-SG 42.7