Mind, Character, and Personality -- Study Guide

Lesson One - The Study of the Mind

Reading Assignment: Pages 3-55 MCP-SG 5.1

Note: It will be expected that many readers will not have opportunity to read every page of the reading assignment. Questions are consequently chosen to represent the broad range of counsel. As time allows, read these statements in their fuller context. MCP-SG 5.2

1. Define the “science of Christianity.” (5, 6)
MCP-SG 5.3

2. “The cultivation of the _____________ need not be prevented by ____________, humble __________, or unfavorable _______________________.” (7) MCP-SG 5.4

3. How is the “highest education” obtained? (11)
MCP-SG 5.5

4. What is a “potent soother of the nerves”? Why is this true? (12)

MCP-SG 5.6

5. “When temptations assail you, when ________, ___________, and darkness seem to surround your soul, look to the _________ where you last saw the __________.” (12) MCP-SG 5.7

6. In what way may we relieve ourselves of “undue anxieties”? (12, 13)

MCP-SG 5.8

7. List three devastating things sin does to us. (13)

MCP-SG 5.9

8. “Only by the inculcation of right _____________ can you exclude wrong ____________.” (15) MCP-SG 6.1

9. Why is Satan a most effective tempter as “an angel of light”? (21)

MCP-SG 6.2

10. How is presumption defined? (25)

MCP-SG 6.3

11. What does “unity with Christ” and “unity with one another” prove to the world? (30)

MCP-SG 6.4

12. The beginning of yielding to temptation is______________________________ ________________________________________________________________.” (31) MCP-SG 6.5

13. “Satan’s work is to____________________________________ _________________________________________________. Christ’s work is to ___________________________________ ________________________________.” (32) MCP-SG 6.6

14. “True religion ennobles the _________, refines the _________, sanctifies the ________________, and makes its possessor a partaker of the ______________ and the ________________of Heaven.” (34) MCP-SG 6.7

15. What is the “best medicine” for disease? (34)

MCP-SG 6.8

16. “If Satan cannot keep souls bound in the ______ of __________, he will try to push them into the ________ of __________.” (38) MCP-SG 7.1

17. Define “spurious humility.” (39)

MCP-SG 7.2

18. For what reason should we not seek for a “happy flight of feeling”? (39, 40)

MCP-SG 7.3

19. In place of “lamenting the faults of others,” what should we do? (46, 47)

MCP-SG 7.4

20. What can we do about the “weak points” in our character? (50)

MCP-SG 7.5

21. The mind that is always “absorbed in commonplace, trivial matters” will become __________ and _______________. (52) MCP-SG 7.6

Discussion Points: MCP-SG 8.1

1. List some dangers in psychology. Why are they dangerous? (Ch. 3, pp. 18-26)

MCP-SG 8.2

2. Chapter 5, “The Fanatical Mind,” considers several attitudes that are wrong.
a) combativeness (40);
b) being negative (44);
c) being too independent (45);
d) superstitions (46).
3. Study these two extremes:
a) one to whom religion is a tyrant and
b) one who always seeks amusements. (48)
MCP-SG 8.3

4. Why is it better to prevent mental illness than to deal with mental breakdowns? (See pp. 12-14.)

MCP-SG 8.4

5. What is the place of the will in psychology? (See p. 24.)

MCP-SG 8.5