Mind, Character, and Personality -- Study Guide
Lesson Five - Adolescence and Youth—Guiding Principles in Education
Reading Assignment: Pages 281-369 MCP-SG 21.1
1. In what ways will “severe training of youth” affect them? (281, 283, 284)
MCP-SG 21.2
2. How should children be educated differently than the animals? Why? (282)
MCP-SG 21.3
3. When we repeat an action, what does it do for us? (285)
MCP-SG 21.4
4. When youth beautify their school, what double benefit will result? (291)
MCP-SG 21.5
5. “It is in youth that the _____________________ are most ardent, the ___________ most retentive, and the heart most susceptible to __________ _________________.” (294) MCP-SG 21.6
6. How is an unbeliever defined? (305)
MCP-SG 21.7
7. Why do some brilliant young men fail? (309)
MCP-SG 21.8
8. Define “false science.” (310)
MCP-SG 22.1
9. If we wait until every objection is removed before we believe, what will never happen? (311)
MCP-SG 22.2
10. Contrast recreation and amusement. (313)
MCP-SG 22.3
11. Is it correct to say that a man may practice anything he conscientiously believes to be right? Explain your answer. (322)
MCP-SG 22.4
12. When truth works only on the conscience, it creates __________. When it is invited into the heart, ________________________ ___________________________________________. (324) MCP-SG 22.5
13. How is God’s working on the will or conscience different from Satan’s? (325)
MCP-SG 22.6
14. “Inward __________ and a __________________ void of offense toward God will ____________and ___________________ the intellect like _____ distilled upon the tender _________.” (328) MCP-SG 22.7
15. In what way is the mind educated to accept sin as pleasant? (336)
MCP-SG 23.1
16. One of the chief causes of “mental inefficiency is _________________________________________________________.” (343) MCP-SG 23.2
17. List some dangers of idleness. (344, 345)
MCP-SG 23.3
18. If we find our hearts opposed to the testing of God, what should it prompt us to do? (347, 348)
MCP-SG 23.4
19. The “great motive powers of the soul are ________________, _______________ and _________.” (349) MCP-SG 23.5
20. What happens to a person who does not educate his reason? (350)
MCP-SG 23.6
21. Intellectual greatness is to be “balanced by _______________ _______________.” (351) MCP-SG 23.7
22. What is “the one great lesson” that students must learn? (358)
MCP-SG 24.1
23. The power we have that is like the Creator is _______________ ___________________. (361) MCP-SG 24.2
24. The greatest “university course” possible is ________________ __________________________________________. (369) MCP-SG 24.3
Discussion Points: MCP-SG 24.4
1. Consider various dangers to youth: e.g., indulgence, doubt, amusement, dancing, conversation, music, appetite. 308-318)
MCP-SG 24.5
2. Read pages 319-328 and answer the following: MCP-SG 24.6
(a) What are the values of following the conscience?
MCP-SG 24.7
(b) How do we lose the reliability of conscience?
MCP-SG 24.8
(c) What are the results of not listening to the conscience?
MCP-SG 24.9
(d) List the great variety of types of conscience. MCP-SG 24.10
3. List those things that cloud, benumb, or darken the perception, those things that help make it clear, and some natural results of good thoughts and bad thoughts. (331-340)
MCP-SG 24.11
4. Find several definitions of “true education.” (359-369)
MCP-SG 24.12
5. Consider the influence that peer groups have on a person’s mind development.
MCP-SG 24.13