Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide

Chapter 58 — A Plea for Economy

It benefits no one but Lucifer when money is wasted in our homes, churches, and institutions. Why does the Creator of wealth ask us to economize? Look for the spiritual, as well as financial, lessons. Please read CS 298-304 or CSA 178-181. CS-SG 48.14

9. When thinking of and spending money, time, and talents for home, furniture, dress, food, et cetera, what else should we consider? CS 298:1 or CSA 178:1
CS-SG 48.15

10. Does God “require” only the tithe? Yes No CS 299:4 or CSA 178:5 CS-SG 48.16

11. Our clothes and surroundings do not make us of value in the Lord’s sight. What does? CS 301:5 or CSA 179:4
CS-SG 48.17

12. The message will go with power when those who know the truth practice self-denial. Why? CS 302:4 or CSA 180:2
CS-SG 48.18

13. At times the pioneers: CS 303:1 or CSA 180:3
A. Were destitute of means. True False
B. Were frequently hungry. True False
C. Suffered from the cold weather. True False
D. Did not have proper clothing. True False
E. Worked to get money for the cause. True False
CS-SG 49.1

14. Consider the spirit of the pioneers: CS-SG 49.2

Sister White wrote: “My husband has worked at handling _______________________ till the _______________________ was _______________________ from his CS-SG 49.3

_______________________, and the _______________________ started from the _______________________, that he might _______________________ to carry him from place to place to _______________________ to the people the _______________________ of _______________________.” CS 303:2 or CSA 180:4 CS-SG 49.4