Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide


Chapter 31 — Satan’s Wiles

Wealth may be a blessing or a curse, do immense good or harm. Satan can slow up or, for a time, stop the advance of the gospel by urging you to keep the wealth God has given you for the advance of truth. Please read CS 154-156 or CSA 103, 104. CS-SG 32.1

16. What will happen to people whom Satan influences to care more about money than building up God’s cause? CS 154:1, 3; 155:1 or CSA 103:1, 2
CS-SG 32.2

17. Name four ways some joyfully anticipate spending extravagantly for self, but do not feel the same way about liberally supporting God’s cause. CS 155:4; 156:1 or CSA 104:1
A. _______________________
C. _______________________
B. _______________________
D. _______________________
CS-SG 32.3