Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide

Chapter 29 — Methods of Acquiring Wealth

The way you acquire, keep, and use wealth reveals incontrovertibly the true nature of your love for God and your fellow men. Please read CS 141-146 or CSA 96-98. CS-SG 30.5

9. Here’s how not to acquire wealth.
A. “As we deal with our fellow men in _______________________, or in more daring _______________________, so will we _______________________ with God.” CS 142:2 or CSA 96:4
B. “They will sacrifice _______________________ and _______________________ for a _______________________ advantage.” CS 142:2 or CSA 96:4
C. “If men _______________________ property in a manner that is not _______________________ by the word of God, they obtain it at a _______________________ of the _______________________ of _______________________.” CS 143:1 or CSA 97:2
CS-SG 30.6

D. “He [the Christian] is not to _______________________ its [the world’s] _______________________ practices, its _______________________, its _______________________.” CS 144:3 or CSA 97:4
E. “Every attempt to take advantage of the _______________________, _______________________, or _______________________ of another, is registered as _______________________ in the ledger of heaven.” CS 144:3 or CSA 97:4; 98:1
CS-SG 31.1

10. Sharp transactions or acquiring of property beneath its value is not acceptable to God, even if the money is given to His cause. True False CS 145:3 or CSA 98:3 CS-SG 31.2