Counsels on Stewardship -- Study Guide

Chapter 28 — Wealth an Entrusted Talent

Two of the predominant misconceptions concerning financial wealth are (1) if you possess it, it’s yours, and (2) you are not responsible to the Creator of wealth for your use of it. This chapter provides insights to the contrary. Please read CS 133-140 or CSA 92-95. (Always read each chapter before answering the questions.) CS-SG 29.2

1. “The followers of Christ are not to _______________________; they are to look upon ___________ as the Lord’s _______________________.” CS 133:1 or CSA 92:1 CS-SG 29.3

2. “Satan used worldly treasure to _______________________, _______________________, and _______________________ souls, to accomplish their ruin.” CS 133:3 or CSA 92:2 CS-SG 29.4

3. List five purposes for which God entrusts us with wealth: CS 133:3; 134:1 or CSA 92:2
CS-SG 29.5

4. Satan continuously devises ways for us to squander God-given financial, physical, moral, and mental powers.
A. Why? CS 134:3; 154:1, 2 or CSA 92:3; 93:1, 2

B. By keeping us occupied, what question goes unconsidered? CS 135:4 or CSA 93:4
CS-SG 29.6

5. What one word describes how Jesus felt when He saw “His purchased inheritance charmed with Satan’s inventions”? CS 136:1 or CSA 93:5
CS-SG 30.1

6. What expels the love of God from the heart? CS 136:2 or CSA 93:6
CS-SG 30.2

7. The Bible: CS 138:2, 3 or CSA 94:3, 4
A. Condemns the rich man for being rich. True False
B. Says that the acquisition of wealth is a sin. True False
C. Says that money is the root of all evil. True False
D. Says that God gives the power to get wealth. True False
E. Says that the ability to get wealth is a precious talent. True False
F. Says that wealth is dangerous only when placed in competition with immortal treasure. True False
CS-SG 30.3

8. “_______________________ itself is the _______________________ of God to _______________________, to be used with _______________________ in His _______________________.” CS 139:2 or CSA 95:2 CS-SG 30.4