Education -- Study Guide


Postgraduate Study

Reading assignment: pages 301-309 Ed-SG 37.1

1. “Heaven is a _____________________; its field of study, the _____________________; its teacher, the _____________________.” (301) Ed-SG 37.2

2. What three conditions that were in Eden will not be found in the school of the future life? (302) ______________________________ _____________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.3

3. How will the tree of life be different in heaven from what it was in Eden? (302)
Ed-SG 37.4

4. What will we learn in heaven about the activity of angels during our earthly life? (304, 305) _________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.5

5. What will some of the surprises be in eternity? (305,306) _____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.6

6. “There the _____________________ and _____________________ that God has planted in the _____________________ will find _____________________ and sweetest _____________________.” (306) Ed-SG 37.7

7. “There every _____________________ will be developed, every _____________________ increased. The grandest _____________________ will be carried forward, the loftiest _____________________ will be reached, the highest _____________________ realized.” (307) Ed-SG 37.8

8. “All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of God’s children.” In your imagination, what do you think some of these might be? (307)____________________ ________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.9

9. What will be one of our rewards for working with Christ in this world? (308) _______________________________ _____________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.10

10. Why was the great controversy permitted to continue throughout the ages? (308) _______________________ ________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.11

11. What is our greatest joy and highest education in our life here? Will there be any difference in heaven? (309) _________ ___________________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.12

12. How will Christ be “rewarded” in heaven? (309)________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 37.13