Education -- Study Guide
Lesson Nine—Character Building
Part II
Reading assignment: pages 250-271 Ed-SG 31.1
1. How are the giving of tithe and the keeping of the Sabbath to be instructive regarding God? (250, 251)_______________ ______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.2
2. What counsel do we have regarding the study of the Sabbath school lesson? (251, 252)___________ _______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.3
3. In what way can the value of the Sabbath sermon be extended beyond listening to it? (252)_____________ _____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.4
4. Faith leads us to choose God’s way instead of our _____________________, it accepts God’s wisdom in place of our _____________________, His strength in place of our _____________________, His righteousness in place of our _____________________. (253) Ed-SG 31.5
5. Consider the biblical illustrations of how those who trusted the Word of God have withstood the power of the whole world. (254)________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.6
6. “As a _____________________ from _____________________ and an inspiration to _____________________ and truth, no other _____________________ can equal the _____________________ of God’s _____________________.” (255) Consider the Bible texts that illustrate this point. Ed-SG 31.7
7. What are some of the best methods to deal with the following: (255-257) Ed-SG 31.8
(a) The timid child_______________________________________________(b) The child who is quick to resent injuries_____________ __________________________________________________(c) The impulsive, self-sufficient, revengeful child___________ _____________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.9
8. “Through _____________________ in Christ, every _____________________ of character may be _____________________, every _____________________ cleansed, every _____________________ corrected, every _____________________ developed.” (257) Ed-SG 31.10
9. What three conditions are to be met if we are to claim God’s promise? (258)___________________ _________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.11
10. What are some of the things that we can ask for in prayer and know that we have received? (258)_______________ ______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 31.12
11. “_____________________ prayer, _____________________ prayer, have their place; but it is _____________________ with God that sustains the soul life.” (258) Ed-SG 31.13
12. Which of the following statements is correct? Explain your answer. (260) ________________________________________
(a) The Bible is a book of good moral instruction to be accepted when it is in harmony with the spirit of the times and our position in the world.
(b) The Bible is the Word of the living God that is to mold our actions, our words, and our thoughts.
Ed-SG 32.1
13. Why do many fail in receiving the blessing of real communion with God? (260, 261) __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.2
14. What do you think is meant by the assertion that many a lad of today will yet stand in legislative assemblies and halls of justice and royal courts as a witness for the King of kings? (262) __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.3
15. What question needs to be put to every household, every school, every parent, teacher, and child? (263)____________________ ___________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.4
16. When we reject the privilege of fellowship with Christ in service, what do we really reject? (264) _______________________ ________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.5
17. Why is it wrong to consider life as generally made up of distinct periods? (265) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.6
18. Why is it wrong for parents to discriminate between their children in the matter of education? (265-267) ___________________ ____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.7
19. What three basic rules ensure safe guidance in choosing an occupation? (267) _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.8
______________________ Ed-SG 32.9
20. What types of people should be considered as “affording precious opportunity for service?” (268) ______________________ __________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.10
21. What are some of the obligations for young people in church relationships? (268, 269) ____________ _____________________________________________________ Ed-SG 32.11
22. “Let them (youth) organize into bands for Christian service.” Discuss how this might be implemented. (269)______________________________________________________ Ed-SG 33.1
23. What “university course” is superior to any that is offered on this earth? (271) ___________________________ ______________________________________________ Ed-SG 33.2
24. “With such an army of _____________________ as our _____________________, rightly _____________________, might furnish, how soon the _____________________ of a crucified, _____________________, and soon-coming _____________________ might be carried to the whole _____________________!” (271) Ed-SG 33.3