Counsels for the Church -- Study Guide


Lesson 7

Reading Assignment, pages 221-253

40. The Food We Eat

1. What should determine the kinds of food we choose to eat? (CCh 221.1)

CCh-SG 31.1

2. What was the original diet chosen by God for humans? (CCh 222.1)

CCh-SG 31.2

3. What combination of foods should be avoided? (CCh 223.1)

CCh-SG 31.3

4. What danger lies in the use of condiments? (CCh 223.1)

CCh-SG 31.4

5. How often should a person eat? Why? (CCh 223, 224.1)

CCh-SG 31.5

6. Why cannot exact rules be laid down when it comes to diet? (CCh 224.1)

CCh-SG 31.6

7. What should the Sabbath meal be like? (CCh 226.1)

CCh-SG 31.7

41. Flesh Foods

1. What was it that helped to shorten people’s lives after the Flood? (CCh 228.1)

CCh-SG 31.8

2. Why is it better to eat grains and vegetables and nuts than flesh foods? (CCh 229.1)

CCh-SG 31.9

3. Why is the use of meat now “doubly objectionable”? (CCh 229.1)

CCh-SG 31.10

4. Why is swine’s flesh such objectionable food? (CCh 229, 230.1)

CCh-SG 31.11

5. What is the effect of flesh food upon the mind and soul of man? (CCh 230.1)

CCh-SG 32.1

6. What is absolutely essential when a flesh diet is discarded? (CCh 231.1)

CCh-SG 32.2

Note: There may be some areas in the world where adequate supplies of nuts, grains, and such foods as milk and eggs are not available, in which case the change from flesh foods to a more natural diet will be difficult until the lack is supplied. But usually the change can be made.. CCh-SG 32.3

7. What will be the dietary practice of those waiting for the coming of the Lord? (CCh 231.1)

CCh-SG 32.4

42. Faithfulness in Health Reform

1. Why do some Seventh-day Adventists reject portions of the Testimonies? (CCh 233, 234.1)

CCh-SG 32.5

2. Describe the downward path of those who disregard light on the subject of flesh foods. (CCh 234.1)

CCh-SG 32.6

3. Are the Spirit of Prophecy counsels on health reform applicable today? (CCh 235.1)

CCh-SG 32.7

4. What dangerous diseases are associated with the use of flesh foods? (CCh 236.1)

CCh-SG 32.8

5. What sometimes causes health reform to fall into disrepute? (CCh 237.1)

CCh-SG 32.9

6. What invitation did Jesus extend to all? (CCh 239; Luke 9:23.1)

CCh-SG 32.10

43. The Church on Earth

1. What does Ellen White mean when she says that the world is God’s workshop? (CCh 240.1)

CCh-SG 33.1

2. What are individual church members called upon to respect? (CCh 241.1)

CCh-SG 33.2

3. Without discipline and government, what would be the fate of the church? (CCh 241, 242.1)

CCh-SG 33.3

4. What lessons are we to learn from the apostle Paul? (CCh 242, 243.1)

CCh-SG 33.4

44. Church Organization

1. For what purpose has the church been organized? (CCh 244.1)

CCh-SG 33.5

2. Name three things upon which the angels of God cannot place their blessing. (CCh 244.1)
CCh-SG 33.6

3. In apostolic times what was an important factor in the spiritual growth of new converts? (CCh 245.1)

CCh-SG 33.7

4. Did all the believers agree with the decision made by the early Jerusalem council? (CCh 246.1)

CCh-SG 33.8

5. What danger awaits those who by-pass God-appointed leadership? (CCh 246, 247.1)

CCh-SG 34.1

6. Why must the business of the church always be kept in a secure state? (CCh 247, 248.1)

CCh-SG 34.2

45. The House of God

1. Where is the sanctuary for the individual? for the family? for the congregation? (CCh 249.1)

CCh-SG 34.3

Fill in the blanks: CCh-SG 34.4

2. “Common ________, ________, and ______ should not be permitted in the house of worship. . . . Ardent, active _________ should characterize ________ _________.” (CCh 249.1) CCh-SG 34.5

3. In what manner are all services to be conducted? (CCh 250.1)

CCh-SG 34.6

Fill in the blanks: CCh-SG 34.7

4. Reverence should be shown for
1. “God’s _____ _____.” (CCh 252.1)
2. “God’s _____.” (CCh 252.1)
3. “God’s _____.” (CCh 252.1)
CCh-SG 34.8