Counsels for the Church -- Study Guide


Lesson 4

Reading Assignment, pages 107-147

17. Purity of Heart and Life

1. On what matter did Mrs. White lift her voice in solemn warning? (CCh 107.1)

CCh-SG 17.1

2. What is said to be “a terrible admission for any person to make”? (CCh 107.1)

CCh-SG 17.2

3. To what does idleness lead? (CCh 108.1)

CCh-SG 17.3

4. If we would be pure-minded, what should we avoid? (CCh 108.1)

CCh-SG 17.4

5. What should be the motto of every Christian? (CCh 108, 109.1)

CCh-SG 17.5

6. Why is self-abuse a bad habit? Give several reasons. (CCh 109, 110.1)
CCh-SG 17.6

7. Where only can safety against all sinful habits be found? (CCh 110, 111.1)

CCh-SG 17.7

18. The Choosing of a Husband or a Wife

1. What questions are to be asked by a man considering marriage? (CCh 112, 113.1)

CCh-SG 17.8

2. What questions are to be asked by a woman considering marriage? (CCh 113, 114.1)

CCh-SG 17.9

3. Describe love. (CCh 114, 115.1)

CCh-SG 17.10

4. How does prayer and Bible study fit into the choice of a marriage partner? (CCh 115, 116.1)

CCh-SG 18.1

5. What procedures does Ellen White favor in selecting a marriage partner? (CCh 116, 117.1)

CCh-SG 18.2

6. How does Ellen White apply the commandment, “Thou shalt not steal,” to courtship? (CCh 118, 119.1)

CCh-SG 18.3

19. Marry Not an Unbeliever

1. What did the Lord specifically command ancient Israel? (CCh 120.1)

CCh-SG 18.4

2. What similar prohibitions are found in the New Testament? (CCh 120, 121.1)
CCh-SG 18.5

3. What will be the result of following one’s own desires in unsanctioned marriages? (CCh 121, 122.1)

CCh-SG 18.6

4. What is Ellen White’s position on canceling an engagement? (CCh 123.1)

CCh-SG 18.7

5. Under what circumstances only can a marriage alliance be safely formed? (CCh 123.1)

CCh-SG 18.8

Thought Question: Think of some practical reasons why the marriage of two people whose religious faith is different is not wise.

CCh-SG 18.9

20. Marriage

1. How do a husband and a wife fulfill God’s purpose for marriage? (CCh 125.1)

CCh-SG 19.1

2. What is the impact of divine love upon human love? (CCh 125.1)

CCh-SG 19.2

3. Who is to maintain ruler ship in the home? (CCh 126, 127.1)

CCh-SG 19.3

4. What five things are newlyweds told to remember? (CCh 127, 128.1)
CCh-SG 19.4

21. A Happy, Successful Partnership

Copy several thought-provoking sentences from this chapter; note key words

CCh-SG 19.5

1. “At the beginning” (CCh 129.1)

CCh-SG 19.6

2. “The expression of love” (CCh 129.1)

CCh-SG 19.7

3. “Determine ... Continue... Encourage” (CCh 130.1)

CCh-SG 19.8

22. The Relationship Between Husband and Wife

1. What did Jesus come to do for the marriage relationship? (CCh 133.1)

CCh-SG 19.9

2. What is the divine counsel on the privileges of marriage? (CCh 133, 134.1)

CCh-SG 19.10

3. Why does Satan seek in the marriage relationship to lower the standard of purity and to weaken self-control? (CCh 134, 135.1)

CCh-SG 20.1

Supply the missing words: CCh-SG 20.2

4. “Sexual _________will effectually _________ a love for __________ exercises, will take from the __________ the __________ needed to _________ the system, and will most effectively _________the vitality.” (CCh 135.1) CCh-SG 20.3

5. What should be the position of a marriage partner when unreasonable sexual demands are made by the other party? (CCh 136, 137.1)

CCh-SG 20.4

23. The Mother and Her Child

1. Name at least five important things that will keep a wife and mother from becoming a “mere household drudge.” (CCh 138.1)
CCh-SG 20.5

2. How do prenatal influences affect the unborn child? (CCh 138-140)

CCh-SG 20.6

3. At what two periods in the mother’s life should her cares and labors be lightened? (CCh 140, 141)

CCh-SG 20.7

4. What should the mother do when her child becomes ill? (CCh 141.1)

CCh-SG 20.8

5. How may the battle of wills be won by the mother in conflict with her child? (CCh 142.1)

CCh-SG 20.9

24. The Christian Father and Mother

1. What is the position God designed for the wife? (CCh 143.1)

CCh-SG 21.1

2. How does inspiration describe the position and work of a mother? (CCh 143.1)

CCh-SG 21.2

3. In what ways does a mother influence the family? (CCh 144, 145.1)

CCh-SG 21.3

4. What is the father’s responsibility as priest of the family? (CCh 146.1)

CCh-SG 21.4

5. What advice does Ellen White give with respect to large families? (CCh 147.1)

CCh-SG 21.5