Acts of the Apostles -- Study Guide
Lesson 21
Reading: The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 419-38; Acts 24:1-26:3
1. What type of person was Felix (419:1-420:0)?
AA-SG 45.1
2. How did Paul defend himself against the charges leveled by Tertullus (420:1-422:0)?
AA-SG 45.2
3. Why did Felix keep Paul in prison when he knew Paul was innocent of the charges brought against him (422:0)?
AA-SG 45.3
4. How did Paul present the gospel to Felix and Drusilla (422:2-423:2)?
AA-SG 45.4
5. Give some of the truths of the gospel that Paul touched upon (423:3-425:2).
AA-SG 45.5
6. How did Felix react to Paul’s preaching (425:3-426:2)?
AA-SG 45.6
7. Why did Paul not take advantage of the opportunities for his release from prison (426:3-427:0)?
AA-SG 45.7
8. What finally happened to Felix (427:1, 2)?
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9. What plans did the Jews make when Festus replaced Felix (428:1)?
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10. Who influenced Festus’ decision to leave Paul in Caesarea (429:1)?
AA-SG 45.10
11. What led Paul to appeal to Caesar (429:3-430:1)?
AA-SG 46.1
12. What experience awaits God’s true people in the last days (430:4-432:0)?
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13. Who was Agrippa II (433:1)?
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14. What was the content of Paul’s message to Agrippa (436:1-437:1)?
AA-SG 46.4
15. What prevented Agrippa from accepting Jesus (438:1-4)?
AA-SG 46.5
Thought Question: What lessons can we learn from the lives of Felix and Agrippa?
AA-SG 46.6