Acts of the Apostles -- Study Guide


Lesson 11

Reading: The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 201-20; Acts 15:36-16:40

1. Why did Paul and Barnabas want to revisit the churches they had established in Asia Minor (201:1, 2)?
AA-SG 22.1

2. Give the reasons why Paul objected to taking Mark on the second missionary journey (202:1).
AA-SG 22.2

3. Do you agree with Paul, or do you think he was too hard on Mark?

AA-SG 22.3

4. Give the qualifications of Timothy for the gospel ministry (202:3-205:2).
AA-SG 22.4

5. Why did Paul advise Timothy to be circumcised (204:1)?
AA-SG 22.5

6. Upon what basis can Paul be considered a true shepherd of God’s flock (206:1-207:1)?
AA-SG 22.6

7. Identify the characteristics of the ministry of the early workers in the church of Christ (209:1).
AA-SG 22.7

8. Give the prescription for success in the ministry today (209:2).
AA-SG 22.8

9. What position does the cross take in the experience of a Christian (209:3-210:1)?
AA-SG 22.9

10. How was the call to take the gospel to Europe given to Paul (211:1, 2)?
AA-SG 22.10

11. Why did Paul not take kindly to the free advertising he and his evangelistic team received from the woman who followed them around Philippi (212:2-213:0)?
AA-SG 22.11

12. List the motives behind the arrest of Paul and Silas (213:1-3).
AA-SG 22.12

13. After the city fathers of Philippi arrested and beat Paul and Silas, what did they learn, and why did they decide to release them privately the next morning (214:2)?
AA-SG 22.13

14. Following the earthquake and the opening of the prison doors, what kept the prisoners from escaping (216:0)?
AA-SG 22.14

15. Explain the “new, strange dread” that replaced the fear in the heart of the Philippian jailer (216:3-217:1).
AA-SG 22.15

16. List the various ways Satan works against those who are doing God’s work (219:1-220:1).
AA-SG 22.16

Thought Question: What is your reaction to the split between Paul and Barnabas?

AA-SG 22.17