Counsels on Health -- Study Guide


Section III — Diet And Health

Pages 107-161

1. “Our first duty toward God and our fellow beings is that of _______________.” (107:2) CH-SG 9.1

2. “One of the strongest _______________ that man has to meet is upon the point of __________.” (108:2) CH-SG 9.2

3. In what ways are “true experience” and “false experience” different? (109:1)

CH-SG 9.3

4. “The gratification of ____________ ____________ led to the sins that caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.” (110:1) CH-SG 9.4

5. Why were the blessings of the birthright taken away from Esau? (110:2)

CH-SG 9.5

6. “Reason, instead of being the __________, has come to be the __________ of __________.” (111:3) CH-SG 9.6

7. What are the character weaknesses of the majority of youth today? (112:2)

CH-SG 9.7

8. What kind of habits should youth form? Why? (113:0)

CH-SG 9.8

9. What relation should appetite have to the will in small children? (113:1)

CH-SG 9.9

10. “It is _____ for those who give the reins to _________ to attain to _______ _______.” (114:1) CH-SG 9.10

11. What foods, prepared simply, are the ingredients of the most healthful diet? (115:0)

CH-SG 9.11

12. What article of diet is NOT essential to the maintenance of health and strength? (115:1)

CH-SG 9.12

13. Give some reasons why pork is unacceptable for food? (116:1)

CH-SG 9.13

14. Why is it a religious duty for cooks to prepare food that is palatable and healthful? (116:3-117:0)

CH-SG 9.14

15. “There is more _____in a good _____of _____than many think.” (117:1) CH-SG 9.15

16. 16 “Health reformers, above all others, should be careful to avoid _____.” (118:1) CH-SG 9.16

17. Why should we not eat just before going to bed? (118:3-119:0)

CH-SG 9.17

18. Is it possible to eat too much, even of wholesome food? Explain your answer. (119:1)

CH-SG 9.18

19. War should liquid be used moderately when we eat? (120:1)

CH-SG 10.1

20. Give some reasons for eating slowly. (120:2)

CH-SG 10.2

21. Why should we preserve our bodies in the best of health? (121:2)

CH-SG 10.3

22. With what character flaw did Jesus commence the work of redeeming the human race? (122:3-123:0)

CH-SG 10.4

23. What evils result from eating stimulating food? (124, 125)

CH-SG 10.5

24. Why do some professed believers reject portions of the Testimonies? (128:1)

CH-SG 10.6

25. “Those who experience the work of _____ _____in their lives will reveal the _____of the _____in their lives.” (129:1) CH-SG 10.7

26. What is the greatest hindrance to mental improvement and soul sanctification? (130:1)

CH-SG 10.8

27. What may happen to those who indulge their desire for flesh foods when they could have a vegetarian diet? (130:2)

CH-SG 10.9

28. What effect did health reform have on Ellen White herself? (132:3-134:0)

CH-SG 10.10

29. Discuss. (133:2,3) CH-SG 10.11

30. “Erroneous _____ and _____result in erroneous _____and _____.” (134:0) CH-SG 10.12

31. “It is better to know how to _____ _____than how to _____ disease.” (135:2) CH-SG 10.13

32. What is one danger of taking an extreme view of health reform? (136:0)

CH-SG 10.14

33. What counsel is given regarding discarding foods like milk, cream and eggs? (136:3)

CH-SG 10.15

34. In presenting the gospel to the poor, what counsel did Ellen White give regarding diet? (137:1)

CH-SG 10.16

35. It is a _____ _____for cooks to learn how to prepare healthful food. (145:1) CH-SG 10.17

36. What suggestion is made to those who seek to change to a more healthful diet? (148:1)

CH-SG 10.18

37. “Large quantities _____of and _____eaten together are injurious.” (149:1) CH-SG 10.19

38. “When largely used, _____is more injurious than.” (150:2)

CH-SG 10.20

39. What extremes in health reform are cautioned against? Why? (151:1, 152:1)

CH-SG 10.21

40. How should we who advocate unpopular truth live as we endeavor to influence those with ideas that differ widely from ours? (153:1)

CH-SG 11.1

41. Air is it impossible to make one rule for all in regard to diet? (154:2-155:1)

CH-SG 11.2

42. What is the ideal number of meals for most people to eat daily? (156:1)

CH-SG 11.3

43. In addition to giving up harmful foods, what other consideration is important for those who want good health? (157:1)

CH-SG 11.4

44. “Overeating has a worse effect upon the system than _____.” (160:1) CH-SG 11.5

45. When a person overeats what happens to the food not needed? (160:2)

CH-SG 11.6