Counsels on Health -- Study Guide


Section XIII — Holiness Of Life

Pages 581-634

1. “It is impossible for those who __________ the __________ to attain to Christian __________.” (581:2) CH-SG 27.1

2. What was King Solomon’s great sin? (582:1) CH-SG 27.2

3. When a woman relates her family troubles, or complains of her husband, to another man, what can be the result? (582:2)

CH-SG 27.3

4. “It is the lack of __________ __________ in the human organism that brings __________.” (587:1) CH-SG 27.4

5. Each of us belongs to one of two kingdoms in this world. What are they? (591:2)

CH-SG 27.5

6. How are we to be ‘salt” in this world? (592:1)

CH-SG 27.6

7. When women cultivate a love for the fashions of the world, what are they likely to neglect? (596.1)

CH-SG 27.7

8. Why is it a sad mistake to dress like the world, hoping to influence unbelievers? (598:1)

CH-SG 27.8

9. What are several reasons the reform dress was introduced among Adventist women? What was it NOT to be? (598:3)

CH-SG 27.9

10. What were some of the “pernicious” fashions of the mid-1800's? What were the characteristics of the reform dress? (599:2)

CH-SG 27.10

11. What kind of “sermon” did the dress of some Adventist women preach that caused some would-be members to turn away? (600:1) CH-SG 27.11

12. “We judge of a person’s __________ by the __________ of __________ worn.” (601:2) CH-SG 27.12

13. What will be revealed by the choice of simple and appropriate attire? (601:2)

CH-SG 27.13

14. What is the ornament that will never perish? (601:3)

CH-SG 27.14

15. The richest dress is to be worn on the __________. (601:3) CH-SG 27.15

16. What double danger is there in showy extravagant dress? (602:1)

CH-SG 27.16

17. Discuss the following statement: “We should not be odd or singular in our dress for the sake of differing from the world.” (604:1)

CH-SG 27.17

18. List some things that mothers can do to be reformers in the home. (606:1)

CH-SG 28.1

19. The use of tea and coffee encourages an appetite for __________. (607:2) CH-SG 28.2

20. What can a woman do to avoid illicit sexual involvement with men? (611-614)

CH-SG 28.3

21. “__________ is the special sin of this age.” (615:2)

CH-SG 28.4

22. For children, “Overwork is bad; but the result of __________ is more to be dreaded (618:1) CH-SG 28.5

23. What kind of church members does Satan rejoice about? (623:1)

CH-SG 28.6

24. How should the work of hypocritical reformers be counteracted? (625:1)

CH-SG 28.7

25. Discuss why there is more hope for the open sinner than the hypocrite. (625:2)

CH-SG 28.8

26. Discuss the relative values of amusements, innocent recreation, and useful labor. (627:3)

CH-SG 28.9

27. “The consciousness of rightdoing is the __________ __________ for diseased __________ and __________.” (628:2) CH-SG 28.10

28. Those who do not discipline their minds to dwell on cheerful subjects are likely to go to either of what two extremes? (628:3) CH-SG 28.11

29. “Despondent __________ are frequently the result of too much __________.” (629:1) CH-SG 28.12

30. What are some of the effects of true religion? (629:3)

CH-SG 28.13

31. Discuss two extremes regarding religious life and practice. (631:2)

CH-SG 28.14

32. When must preparation for heaven be done? (633.1)

CH-SG 28.15