Counsels on Health -- Study Guide



See the explanatory statement at the beginning of this Study Guide. There are some limitations to the application of counsels to physicians, especially as they relate to work in our medical institutions.

1. What are God’s eight natural remedies for sickness? (323:2)

CH-SG 16.1

2. Where do nine-tenths of diseases have their foundation? (324:2)

CH-SG 16.2

3. “The religion of Christ, so far from being the cause of _____, is one of its most __________ __________.” (324:2) CH-SG 16.3

4. “Sin and disease bear to each other the relationship of _____ and _____.” (325:2) CH-SG 16.4

5. In nine cases out of ten, what knowledge would make the sick better in mind and body? (330:1)

CH-SG 16.5

6. “Those who hold the lives of human beings in their hands should be _____, _____, _____.” (336:4) CH-SG 16.6

7. “We are not to be an _____ church, but we are to let the _____ shine forth, that the _____ may receive it.” (338:1) CH-SG 16.7

8. The physician who has the mind of Christ will be “_____, _____, and _____, but not _____.” (340:2) CH-SG 16.8

9. Discuss how wrong imagination can bring disease. (344:1,344:2)

CH-SG 16.9

10. What right attitudes can bring health? (344:3)

CH-SG 16.10

11. What form of “mind cure” is an effective agency for evil? (344:1, 345:1)

CH-SG 16.11

12. Why did Satan originate mind control? (345:4)

CH-SG 16.12

13. Describe the true science of healing for body and soul. (346:2)

CH-SG 16.13

14. What is the meaning of the following statement? “To deal with men and women whose minds as well as bodies are diseased is a nice work.” (349:3)

CH-SG 16.14

15. What is the greatest conquest that men and women can achieve? (350:2)

CH-SG 16.15

16. What subjects should NOT be mentioned at the bedside of the dying? (352:3)

CH-SG 16.16

17. What is the foundation of all enduring reformation? (359:3)

CH-SG 16.17

18. “As far as possible lady physicians should care for lady patients, and gentlemen physicians [should] have the care of gentlemen patients.” What are some reasons given? (363-366)

CH-SG 16.18

19. “You must pray as though the _____ and _____ were all due to _____, and _____ as though _____ were all your _____.” (367:1) CH-SG 17.1

20. Why do some with great intellect fail in positions of responsibility, and others with less intellect, succeed? (367:2)

CH-SG 17.2

21. What caution is given to physicians who make no difference between the Sabbath and other days of the week? (368:2)

CH-SG 17.3

22. What are we to do when the sick come for prayer, and, in large part, their sickness has resulted from careless living? (373:1, 374:1)

CH-SG 17.4

23. Why is it NOT always safe to ask for unconditional healing? What should we do instead? (375:1)

CH-SG 17.5

24. If a person is not healed from sickness, should we assume that he or she is not worthy? Explain. (375:3)

CH-SG 17.6

25. Why should those who are sick set their house in order regarding property and care of their families? (376:2)

CH-SG 17.7

26. “It is no _____of _____to place ourselves in the _____most favorable to _____.” (376:3) CH-SG 17.8

27. Early in her experience Ellen White prayed for the sick asking without condition for healing. Later she stopped this practice. Why? (378:1, 379:1)

CH-SG 17.9

28. What are we to do if we fail to receive an immediate response to our prayers? (380:1)

CH-SG 17.10

29. Along with our prayers for healing, what else should we do? (381:2)

CH-SG 17.11

30. What mental attitudes would help the sick to recover health? (382:2)

CH-SG 17.12