Counsels on Health -- Study Guide
Section I — The World’s Need
Pages 13-36
1. What classes of people did Jesus work for? (13:1)
CH-SG 4.1
2. What is a special danger and temptation for the rich? (15:1)
CH-SG 4.2
3. Name some classes of people who are in peril because they do not see the necessity of strict temperance. (15:3)
CH-SG 4.3
4. “The infirmities of the body affect the _____.” (18:2) CH-SG 4.4
5. How do human beings demonstrate, even today, that God created them perfect? (19:1)
CH-SG 4.5
6. Transgression of ________ laws is transgression of _____ laws. (20:0) CH-SG 4.6
7. Health reform is as closely connected with the third angel’s message, as is the _____ with the _________. (20:3) CH-SG 4.7
8. What makes it impossible for some men and women to appreciate sacred truth? (21:2)
CH-SG 4.8
9. How can people become unfit for spiritual worship? (22:2)
CH-SG 4.9
10. What are some results of unrestrained indulgence of appetite? (24:1)
CH-SG 4.10
11. How can eating, drinking and dressing become crimes? (24:2)
CH-SG 4.11
12. Why should less experienced workers enter barren, unworked fields? (26:2)
CH-SG 4.12
13. What hard circumstances cheer Christ? Why? (26:3, 27:1)
CH-SG 4.13
14. What is the very best medicine for disease? Why? (28:1)
CH-SG 4.14
15. What condition of mind will cause a freer circulation of blood? (28:2)
CH-SG 4.15
16. How did Christ respond to those who had brought disease upon themselves? Why? (30:1)
CH-SG 4.16
17. How might we gain an experience for a wider sphere of influence? (33:1)
CH-SG 4.17
18. Why did Jesus devote more time to healing than to preaching? (34:1)
CH-SG 5.1
19. Why is inactivity registered in the books of heaven as opposition to Christ’s work? (35:2)
CH-SG 5.2
20. “It is impossible for an ____________ man to be a Christian.” (36:1) CH-SG 5.3