Child Guidance -- Study Guide
Section X
Discipline and Its Administration
Date ________ CG-SG 56.6
A. Read pages 223-268. CG-SG 56.7
B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 56.8
1. What is the object of true discipline? (223:1)
CG-SG 56.9
2. What is the threefold work of parents? (223:4)
CG-SG 57.1
3. In whose hands does the destiny of our children rest? (224:1)
CG-SG 57.2
4. What is the price of heaven? (224:4)
CG-SG 58.1
5. What right have youth with a sense of honor? (225:4)
CG-SG 58.2
6. On what should children be thrown as soon as wisely possible? (226:1)
CG-SG 58.3
7. How shall we react to children governing themselves? (228:2)
CG-SG 58.4
8. Complete: “The characters formed in this _______________________ will determine the _______________________ destiny.” (229:4) CG-SG 58.5
9. At what moment is discipline of a child to begin? (230:1)
CG-SG 58.6
10. In what spirit are parents to bend the will of a child? (230:4)
CG-SG 58.7
11. Why do some parents reject the Bible plan of discipline? (233:3)
CG-SG 59.1
12. Complete: “Repress the _______________________, and _______________________ the good.” (234:1) CG-SG 59.2
13. What sin is almost universal? (234:4)
CG-SG 59.3
14. Whom will God hold responsible for wayward children? (235:2)
CG-SG 59.4
15. Where should disobedience never be tolerated? (236:2)
CG-SG 59.5
16. Complete: “He will make no _______________________ for the mismanagement of _______________________.” (237:4) CG-SG 59.6
17. How long shall children be subject to parents? (240:2)
CG-SG 59.7
18. How are children to be instructed? (244:4)
CG-SG 59.8
19. Complete: “Scolding and fretting never _______________________.” (246:2) CG-SG 60.1
20. Complete: “Give _______________________ commands, but see that these are _______________________” (247 :3) CG-SG 60.2
21. How shall we deal with neglectful children? (248:2)
CG-SG 60.3
22. When only should whipping be used? (250:2)
CG-SG 60.4
23. Why should we never shake a child? (252:2)
CG-SG 60.5
24. Before disciplining, what two things are parents to do? (252:3)
CG-SG 60.6
25. What may every fault and mistake become? (255:3)
CG-SG 60.7
26. What is love’s twin sister? (258:2)
CG-SG 60.8
27. What shall we teach a child about uncorrected faults? (258:3)
CG-SG 61.1
28. Complete: “Let them [parents] be _______________________ of censure.” (259:1) CG-SG 61.2
29. What children need the most consideration? (260:1)
CG-SG 61.3
30. What is the twin sister of justice? (262:3)
CG-SG 61.4
31. By what combined influences are children to be ruled? (263:2)
CG-SG 61.5
32. What three things are essential to every family? (264:3)
CG-SG 61.6
33. Even before their own comfort, of what are parents to think? (268:0)
CG-SG 61.7
C. Rate yourself as a disciplinarian: Loving, kind ____ Consistent ____ Unpredictable ____ Cold, severe ____ CG-SG 62.1
1. Before any action is taken I always study
CG-SG 62.2
2. After the deed is over I usually
CG-SG 62.3
D. Discuss with others: CG-SG 62.4
1. The chief objective of discipline.
CG-SG 62.5
2. How far shall we go in children’s self-government?
CG-SG 62.6
3. Why indulgent parents will lose heaven.
CG-SG 62.7
4. Commanding our children after us (as did Abraham).
CG-SG 62.8
5. How shall we learn the principles of family government?
CG-SG 62.9
6. Parental unity in home discipline. CG-SG 62.10
7. Disciplining in anger. CG-SG 62.11
8. Discipline by whipping or shaking children. CG-SG 62.12
9. The place of prayer and reasoning in child discipline. CG-SG 62.13
10. What is one of the greatest curses in any household? (231 :3)
CG-SG 62.14
11. Can men who neglect their children’s training justify their call to the ministry or to teaching? (232:0)
CG-SG 62.15
12. How shall we react to a boy wishing to run away? (241:1).
CG-SG 62.16
E. Think on these things: CG-SG 63.1
1. Why do I teach my child to obey—for my convenience or his good? CG-SG 63.2
2. What kind of family do I present to the world? CG-SG 63.3
3. If I find that one method of discipline is not working, do I continue using it, try another, or give up? CG-SG 63.4
4. When father and mother disagree over discipline, what happens to the child? CG-SG 63.5
5. Are my words few or many? CG-SG 63.6
6. Do I see that my commands are carried out? CG-SG 63.7
F. Name one method I have found to be beneficial in my home.
CG-SG 63.8
______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 63.10