Child Guidance -- Study Guide
Section IX
Fundamental Elements of Character Building
Date ________ CG-SG 50.9
A. Read pages 193-220. CG-SG 50.10
B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 50.11
1. Complete: The training of the first _______________________ years outweighs _______________________ the impact of the rest of life in character formation. (193:1) CG-SG 50.12
2. What lessons in life do children seldom forget? (193:5)
CG-SG 50.13
3. In what years is discipline most vital to the child? (194:2) _______________________ CG-SG 50.14
4. What course of discipline produces the best results? (195:0)
CG-SG 51.1
5. In what do parents most generally fail? (195:2)
CG-SG 51.2
6. In addition to book knowledge, what are children to learn in their first fifteen years? (195:4)
CG-SG 51.3
7. By what means can a mother point her child to his Creator? (197:1)
CG-SG 51.4
8. Though children may err, which ones will not go far astray? (198:1)
CG-SG 51.5
9. Complete: “It is . . . by a _______________________ acts that habits are established and character _______________________.” (199:2) CG-SG 51.6
10. In what years is character generally formed? (199:3)
CG-SG 51.7
11. What draws deep lines upon the tender child mind? (199:4)
CG-SG 52.1
12. To perfect Christian graces, what kind of efforts are required? (200:2)
CG-SG 52.2
13. How may parents and teachers help to establish wrong habits in children? (201:3)
CG-SG 52.3
14. What do cute little pranks become as children grow older? (202:1)
CG-SG 52.4
15. What power should be acquired while we are young? (202:5) CG-SG 52.5
16. Complete: “In childhood Jesus did the works of an _______________________ child.” (204:4) CG-SG 52.6
17. How should we regard the feelings of other members of the family? (205:1)
CG-SG 52.7
18. What must be cultivated and impressed on the mind of the child? (205:3)
CG-SG 52.8
19. Complete: “That restraint which must be kept upon one would _______________________ out the life of another.” (205:4) CG-SG 53.1
20. Complete: Happiness “follows only in the wake of _______________________.” (206:2) CG-SG 53.2
21. Complete: “You can train the _______________________ your children much more than you think.” (208:2) CG-SG 53.3
22. Complete: “The will is the power of, _______________________, or choice.” (209:2) CG-SG 53.4
23. What power (with God’s help) lies within each child? (209:3)
CG-SG 53.5
24. How are we to fashion and mold the will of the child? (210:1)
CG-SG 53.6
25. Complete: “The will should be guided and _______________________, but not _______________________ or _______________________.” (210:4) CG-SG 53.7
26. What should we never do to children? (210:5)
CG-SG 53.8
27. Children should be taught to move from what two sources? (211:0)
CG-SG 53.9
28. Into what should children not be forced? (212:1)
CG-SG 53.10
29. What great mistake may parents blindly make? (213:1)
CG-SG 54.1
30. Complete: “Be careful that you are not _______________________ to your children.” (216:2) CG-SG 54.2
31. What children are in an especially dangerous condition? (218:1, 2)
CG-SG 54.3
32. How will children learn gentleness? (218:4)
CG-SG 54.4
33. What must not escape our lips? (219:1)
CG-SG 54.5
34. What three things have a direct bearing on our children’s future? (219:4, 220:0) _______________________, _______________________, and _______________________ of parents. CG-SG 54.6
C. Rate yourself as an example to your children: Excellent___ Good___ Poor___ Bad___ CG-SG 54.7
1. I hope my children copy me in
CG-SG 54.8
2. I hope my children do not copy me in
CG-SG 54.9
D. Discuss with others: CG-SG 55.1
1. Discuss character formation in life’s first seven years.
CG-SG 55.2
2. Why then must discipline be developed in the first three years?
CG-SG 55.3
3. Discuss: Sow good seed before the devil sows tares.
CG-SG 55.4
4. Contrast the child training of Napoleon, Hume, Voltaire, Samuel, Joseph.
CG-SG 55.5
5. Discuss habit formation—time for, and means of.
CG-SG 55.6
6. Why should parents educate their own discriminating powers in child training?
CG-SG 55.7
7. Discuss the human will—its development and control.
CG-SG 55.8
8. Can we afford to have disciplinary crises in the home training?
CG-SG 55.9
9. Why should parents try to stay young in mind and heart?
CG-SG 55.10
10. Discuss the importance of self-control in both parent and child. CG-SG 55.11
11. Discuss the tone of the voice in creating home atmosphere. CG-SG 55.12
12. To what extent do formed habits carry over into the next life?
CG-SG 55.13
E. Think on these things: CG-SG 55.14
1. What shall it profit me if I gain a good position and neglect my child during his infancy?
CG-SG 55.15
2. Should I sacrifice my child to gain an education for myself?
CG-SG 55.16
3. Mary could have used more money to make Baby Jesus comfortable, but she gave Him her time and companionship.
CG-SG 55.17
4. Am I stimulating the weak traits in my child and repressing the wrong to give my child a healthy mind?
CG-SG 55.18
5. How do I handle a stubborn child?
CG-SG 56.1
6. What does my child copy from me?
CG-SG 56.2
F. Name one desirable habit I have acquired since I became an adult.
CG-SG 56.3
______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 56.5