Child Guidance -- Study Guide


Section I

Home, The First School

Date ________ CG-SG 5.2

A. Read pages 13-28. CG-SG 5.3

B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 5.4

1. Where is the child’s first school located? (17:1)*

CG-SG 5.5

2. Who are to be his first teachers? (17:1)

CG-SG 5.6

3. What important lifelong lessons is the child to learn above all others? (17:1) CG-SG 5.7

CG-SG 5.8

4. For what is the home a training school? (17:3)

CG-SG 5.9

5. Complete: “Teach your children to be _______________________ and _______________________.” (17:3) CG-SG 6.1

6. If parents neglect this home training, they neglect a ______________________ duty. (18:3) CG-SG 6.2

7. On whose work do schoolteachers build? (19:2)

CG-SG 6.3

8. When should parents begin preparation for the training of their children? (21:2)

CG-SG 6.4

9. What dual purpose should be the objective of this parental training? (21:3)

CG-SG 6.5

10. What two things are parents to seek to secure for their children? (22:0)

CG-SG 6.6

11. What prayer are we to offer for our children? (22:2)

CG-SG 6.7

12. Complete: “God cannot keep children from evil if the _______________________ do not cooperate with Him.” (22:2) CG-SG 6.8

13. Why did John the Baptist’s parents move to the country? (23:1)

CG-SG 7.1

14. What is the most sacred work of parents? (23:3)

CG-SG 7.2

15. Complete: “You are to _______________________ your little ones to know ___________________.” (23:4) CG-SG 7.3

16. What disciplinary training does Christ want children to receive at home? (24:0) CG-SG 7.4

CG-SG 7.5

17. What terrible accusation is laid against careless parents? (24:1)

CG-SG 7.6

18. Complete: CG-SG 7.7

a. “They [parents] are to be very _______________________ and very _______________________ in their speech.” (24:2) CG-SG 7.8

b. “They are to be _______________________ and _______________________ to each other.” (24:2) CG-SG 7.9

c. They are “to bring into the home a _______________________, wholesome _______________________.” (24:2) CG-SG 7.10

d. “They [parents] should not _______________________ in the presence of their children.” (24:2) CG-SG 7.11

19. Why is the mother, of necessity, the special instructor of her children? (24:3)

CG-SG 7.12

20. How can parents best teach respect and obedience? (24:4) CG-SG 8.1

CG-SG 8.2

21. What will never pass inspection in the judgment? (25:1)

CG-SG 8.3

22. As soon as a child can form an idea, what is to begin? (26:2)

CG-SG 8.4

23. What can a child learn from its parents even before its reason fully develops? (27:0)

CG-SG 8.5

24. When only are parents prepared to be the teachers of their children? (27:1)

CG-SG 8.6

25. Why is proper habit formation vital in infancy and early childhood? (27:3)

CG-SG 8.7

26. Why should the firstborn child be trained with the greatest of care? (27:4)

CG-SG 9.1

C. Rate your home as a school: Excellent____ Good____ Poor____ Bad____ CG-SG 9.2

1. Where does it rate the highest?

CG-SG 9.3

2. Where does it rate the lowest?

CG-SG 9.4

D. Discuss with others: * CG-SG 9.5

1. Name two ways light has been shining “so that none need err in regard to their duty.” (13:2)

CG-SG 9.6

2. What is true education? (Book learning? Technical? Professional? Character?)

CG-SG 9.7

3. Why is the “school in the home” so important to the child? (17:1)

CG-SG 9.8

4. What four subjects are to be taught in this developing process? (17:1)

CG-SG 9.9

5. Why should parents know about physiology, anatomy, and the laws of health?

CG-SG 9.10

6. When can parents say, “My educating days are over”?

CG-SG 9.11

7. Why cannot parents wait and leave child training to schoolteachers?

CG-SG 9.12

8. Why such emphasis on careful training of our firstborn? (27:4)

CG-SG 9.13

9. How do the principles laid down in this lesson fit with Proverbs 22:6?

CG-SG 9.14

E. Think on these things: CG-SG 10.1

1. Will it be my privilege to have the gate of heaven thrown open to me and my children? (13:1)

CG-SG 10.2

2. If so, what have I done for my children? (13:1)

CG-SG 10.3

3. If the gate is closed and a hand raised to keep me from entering, what will the voice say I have neglected? (13:1)

CG-SG 10.4

4. Will God accept church activities or offerings as a substitute for neglecting my own children?

CG-SG 10.5

5. How can I answer the questions on page 25, paragraph 2?

CG-SG 10.6

6. How nearly am I as a father measuring up to the pattern laid down for me?

CG-SG 10.7

7. Am I as a mother fulfilling my greatest mission in life—to my children?

CG-SG 10.8

F. Name one way I as the (husband, wife, son, daughter) can make my home today a better school. CG-SG 10.9


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 11.2