Child Guidance -- Study Guide
Section VIII
The Paramount Task—Character Development
Date ________ CG-SG 44.9
A. Read pages 161-190. CG-SG 44.10
B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 44.11
1. What is the only treasure we can take from this world? (161:1)
CG-SG 44.12
2. Of what two things does strength of character consist? (161:4)
CG-SG 44.13
3. What other than sanctification “is the work of a lifetime”? (162:2)
CG-SG 45.1
4. When may our lives be perfect? (162:3)
CG-SG 45.2
5. What is the greatest evidence of Christianity the world can see? (163:1)
CG-SG 45.3
6. What creates a habit and forms a character? (164:1)
CG-SG 45.4
7. What is our first duty to God and man? (164:2)
CG-SG 45.5
8. What will give strength and solidity of character? (165:1)
CG-SG 45.6
9. What is the noblest work in which we can engage? (165:2)
CG-SG 45.7
10. What is required to keep crooked traits from strengthening? (167:3)
CG-SG 46.1
11. Complete: “He knows your infirmities, and works to _______________________, not to destroy.” (168:2) CG-SG 46.2
12. Who are to help children form right characters? (169:1)
CG-SG 46.3
13. What will prove the ruin of our children? (170:3)
CG-SG 46.4
14. How much of the time are we dependent on the Holy Spirit in rightly rearing our children? (172:1)
CG-SG 46.5
15. How will God assist parents in child guidance? (172:4)
CG-SG 46.6
16. What will God not do? (172:4)
CG-SG 46.7
17. What are the elements of Christian character? (173:1)
CG-SG 47.1
18. What are parents planting for their own feet in wrong child training? (175:1)
CG-SG 47.2
19. Of what two extremes in child rearing must we beware? (175:2)
CG-SG 47.3
20. How can mothers nip sin in the bud in child training? (176:2)
CG-SG 47.4
21. What negligence does God particularly condemn? (176:4)
CG-SG 47.5
22. When are parents the worst enemies of their children? (177:2)
CG-SG 47.6
23. When do parents imperil their souls and those of their children? (179:1)
CG-SG 47.7
24. How should evil youth be treated? (180:0)
CG-SG 48.1
25. What makes children grow up at cross-purposes with the world? (181:1)
CG-SG 48.2
26. Complete: “Seeking happiness in the path of _______________________ will bring but misery.” (182:0) CG-SG 48.3
27. After what model are innocent babes to be fashioned? (184:1)
CG-SG 48.4
28. What are we to build around our children? (185:1)
CG-SG 48.5
29. When are children to be subdued? (185:2)
CG-SG 48.6
30. How can parents train their children for sound health in later years? (187:1)
CG-SG 48.7
C. Rate your character: Strong ____ Uncertain ____ Easily led ____ Weak ____ CG-SG 49.1
1. My strongest point is
CG-SG 49.2
2. My weakest point is
CG-SG 49.3
D. Discuss with others: CG-SG 49.4
1. Discuss: “True character, a quality of the soul.” (161:2)
CG-SG 49.5
2. What do we mean by “strength of character”?
CG-SG 49.6
3. Discuss perfection in development of character. (162:3)
CG-SG 49.7
4. What about “characters formed by circumstance”?
CG-SG 49.8
5. Why is character study vital to this generation? (169:2)
CG-SG 49.9
6. Discuss how to make a transformation in our families.
CG-SG 49.10
7. Discuss indulgence versus iron rule.
CG-SG 49.11
8. Explain misguided love and sympathy.
CG-SG 49.12
9. How can we correct wrong attitudes in our children?
CG-SG 49.13
10. What is mental health?
CG-SG 49.14
11. Discuss: “High Points.” (189:1)
CG-SG 49.15
12. Describe the dispositions, morals, and character of children educated for God. (171:2)
CG-SG 49.16
E. Think on these things: CG-SG 50.1
1. Do I have self-control?
CG-SG 50.2
2. Am I training my child to have self-control?
CG-SG 50.3
3. Does my child have a strong will power or won't power?
CG-SG 50.4
4. Is my child wearing the “royal robe woven in heaven’s loom”?
CG-SG 50.5
F. Name one way I am stronger today than I was yesterday.
CG-SG 50.6
______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 50.8