Child Guidance -- Study Guide
Section VII
Developing Christian Qualities
Date ________ CG-SG 38.13
A. Read pages 139-158. CG-SG 38.14
B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 38.15
1. Complete: “Children should not be _______________________ into a _______________________ maturity, but as long as possible should retain the freshness and _______________________ of their _______________________ years.” (139:1) CG-SG 38.16
2. From what type of excitement should children be free? (139:1)
CG-SG 38.17
3. Lest we encourage vanity, what should we not praise in children? (139:3) CG-SG 39.1
CG-SG 39.2
4. How do flattery and indulgence affect a child? (140:2)
CG-SG 39.3
5. What three things do children need? (141:1)
CG-SG 39.4
6. Name two things we should teach our children. (141:4)
CG-SG 39.5
7. What must not live in the heart or find room in the home? (143:1)
CG-SG 39.6
8. List six things we are to teach our children to be. (143:3)
CG-SG 40.1
9. In what are adults to set the example? (143:5)
CG-SG 40.2
10. Name three characteristics that are the curse of the age. (144:2)
CG-SG 40.3
11. Complete: “Cherish the precious, _______________________ gem of _______________________.” (144:4) CG-SG 40.4
12. Complete: The sunshine of love, cheerfulness, and happy contentment promotes “health and vigor of _______________________ and _______________________” (146:2) CG-SG 40.5
13. What will the sober-minded Christian not be? (146:3)
CG-SG 40.6
14. What is “the very beauty of holiness”? (147:0)
CG-SG 41.1
15. What kind of words are we to educate our children to speak? (147:1)
CG-SG 41.2
16. Complete: “It is the duty of God’s children to be _______________________.” (147:2) CG-SG 41.3
17. Complete: “Let your life be free from _______________________ practices.” (150:1) CG-SG 41.4
18. What should parents do all in their power to preserve in their children? (150:3)
CG-SG 41.5
19. Of what should parents be models? (151:1)
CG-SG 41.6
20. Complete: “If you want your child to be truthful, be _______________________ yourself.” (151:3) CG-SG 41.7
21. What may harsh discipline often make children fear to do? (151:4)
CG-SG 41.8
22. Why should we love and choose the right? (153:1)
CG-SG 42.1
23. How many of life’s actions are to be stamped with honesty? (154:3)
CG-SG 42.2
24. What should our sympathy for children never foster in them? (157:2)
CG-SG 42.3
25. Complete: “Lead the youth to feel that they are trusted, and there are few who will not seek to prove themselves ______________ of the _______________.” (158:1) CG-SG 42.4
C. Rate your cheerfulness: Always ____ Usually ____ Seldom ____ Never___ CG-SG 42.5
1. I am always cheerful when I
CG-SG 42.6
2. I am always depressed when I
CG-SG 42.7
D. Discuss with others: CG-SG 42.8
1. What happens when parents attempt to shove their children into the limelight?
CG-SG 42.9
2. What relationship has a child’s dress to its character development?
CG-SG 43.1
3. Discuss: “The Secret of True Charm.” (140)
CG-SG 43.2
4. Discuss the difference between encouraging and praising a child.
CG-SG 43.3
5. Where and how is the cornerstone of courtesy in a child laid?
CG-SG 43.4
6. How shall we teach humility and modesty to our children?
CG-SG 43.5
7. How important is the home atmosphere in character building?
CG-SG 43.6
8. Discuss: “Smile, parents; smile, teachers.”
CG-SG 43.7
9. How shall we teach children to develop the spirit of thankfulness?
CG-SG 43.8
10. Why should children be taught “artless simplicity”? Contrast with “pretense.”
CG-SG 43.9
11. Explain how to teach children to shun lying, prevarication, deception.
CG-SG 43.10
12. Is honesty the “best policy,” or is it an ingrained principle of life?
CG-SG 43.11
13. Why do some children develop into adult weaklings, mentally and morally?
CG-SG 43.12
14. Contrast sympathy and self-pity in child rearing.
CG-SG 43.13
15. Discuss trust versus suspicion in relation to dealing with children.
CG-SG 43.14
E. Think on these things: CG-SG 43.15
1. Are my children truly charming?
CG-SG 43.16
2. How near like paradise is my home?
CG-SG 43.17
3. Is our home courteous?
CG-SG 43.18
4. Do I smile in the home even though my heart is sad?
CG-SG 43.19
5. Do my children have attentive ears and willing feet and hands?
CG-SG 43.20
6. Do I consider it my duty to be cheerful?
CG-SG 44.1
7. Am I truthful to my children?
CG-SG 44.2
8. Am I honest in my dealings?
CG-SG 44.3
9. Am I training my children to be self-reliant?
CG-SG 44.4
10. Do I encourage my children to have a sense of honor?
CG-SG 44.5
F. Name one courteous act I have done today for my family.
CG-SG 44.6
______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 44.8