Child Guidance -- Study Guide
Section III
Teachers Adequately Trained
Date ________ CG-SG 17.3
A. Read pages 63-76. CG-SG 17.4
B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 17.5
1. Complete: Above every other teacher, the mother should be _______________________ to use her training opportunities the best _______________________. (63:1) CG-SG 17.6
2. Whose influence in education is most potent and far-reaching? (63:1)
CG-SG 17.7
3. Of what three things are some parents ignorant? (63:2)
CG-SG 17.8
4. For what two persons is thorough preparation for child training most urgent? (63:3)
CG-SG 18.1
5. Before marriage, with what subjects should men and women acquaint themselves? (63:3, 64:0)
CG-SG 18.2
6. When only will education accomplish its goal? (64:1)
CG-SG 18.3
7. Complete: “To assume the responsibilities _______________________ without such a preparation is a _______________________.” (64:2) CG-SG 18.4
8. For what must parents give account? (64:4)
CG-SG 18.5
9. From what can there be no “sinless swerving”? (66:1)
CG-SG 18.6
10. What law must always be on parents’ lips? (66)
CG-SG 18.7
11. What will our children grow up to do when we make God’s will ours? (66:3)
CG-SG 19.1
12. Complete: “Parents should now do everything in their power to _______________________ their _______________________ and place their children where they will be under the very best influence.” (66:4, 67:0) CG-SG 19.2
13. What will we incur if we trifle with the training of our children? (67:2)
CG-SG 19.3
14. Complete: “Every woman should develop a well-balanced _______________________ and _______________________ character.” (67:5) CG-SG 19.4
15. What are we diligently to guard? _______________________ Overcome what? _______________________ (68:1) CG-SG 19.5
16. What are we now to do if we thus far have been wrong in our child training? (69:2)
CG-SG 19.6
17. Of what three things is this our day? (69:4)
CG-SG 19.7
18. What does service to self and to the world do to mothers? (71:1)
CG-SG 19.8
19. Complete: “Parents have not yet aroused to understand the _______________________ of Christian culture.” (72:4) CG-SG 20.1
20. To escape household drudgery, what must a mother do? (73:4)
CG-SG 20.2
21. Complete: “You need the _______________________, the _______________________, the _______________________, the cultivation of the _______________________, that this life brings.” (74:3) CG-SG 20.3
22. When does Satan sow the seeds of death in the hearts of our children? (75:2)
CG-SG 20.4
23. Is it the business of others how we train our children? (75:3)
CG-SG 20.5
24. For what purpose are parents to meet together? (75:4)
CG-SG 20.6
25. What will scolding and threats never obtain? (76:1)
CG-SG 20.7
C. Rate yourself as a teacher: Excellent____ Good____ Fair____ Poor____ CG-SG 21.1
1. The training that helped me most was____ CG-SG 21.2
2. The training I need the most is____ CG-SG 21.3
D. Discuss with others: CG-SG 21.4
1. How do preparation requirements for teachers compare with those of parents?
CG-SG 21.5
2. How long will education fail to succeed? (64:1)
CG-SG 21.6
3. Why is it a sin to become parents without proper training for it?
CG-SG 21.7
4. Discuss “faith and works” in the home life.
CG-SG 21.8
5. Why is the Bible so vital a guide in our parental guidance?
CG-SG 21.9
6. What is meant by “home missionaries”? (69:3)
CG-SG 21.10
7. How can children be under the Holy Spirit’s guidance every day? (70:0)
CG-SG 21.11
8. Discuss “mothers,” as described on page 71.
CG-SG 21.12
9. Discuss “parental training” with relation to “child training.” (74, 75)
CG-SG 21.13
10. Why is it the business of others how we rear our own children? (75:2, 3)
CG-SG 21.14
11. Why have parent-education discussion meetings? (75, 76)
CG-SG 21.15
12. Discuss scolding, nagging, “bawling out” of children.
CG-SG 21.16
E. Think on these things: CG-SG 21.17
1. Am I qualified to be a parent?
CG-SG 21.18
2. How can I qualify?
CG-SG 22.1
3. What will become of my child if I do not?
CG-SG 22.2
4. What will become of me?
CG-SG 22.3
5. What should be a mother’s highest aim? (68:3)
CG-SG 22.4
6. Of what am I especially to feel my need? (69:1)
CG-SG 22.5
7. Who has a greater work to do than do kings? (71:2)
CG-SG 22.6
8. How can the gospel be brought into my home life? (73:0)
CG-SG 22.7
9. Are the evenings in my home “pleasant social seasons”?
CG-SG 22.8
F. Name one lesson I as (the husband, wife, son, daughter) have taught some member of my family today that God could approve.
CG-SG 22.9
______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 22.11