Child Guidance -- Study Guide


Section XIX

The Day Of Reckoning

Date ________ CG-SG 115.6

A. Read pages 555-570. CG-SG 115.7

B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 115.8

1. What is Satan now doing? (555:1)

CG-SG 115.9

2. For what should God’s people now be preparing? (555:2)

3. What is the most important parental work? (556:1)

4. More than anything else, what do young people need? (557:0)

5. How long can parents delay in preparing their children for heaven? (557:1)

6. What work in the home is to accompany the third angel’s message? (558:1)
CG-SG 116.1

7. In what must children’s hearts be trained? (558:2)

CG-SG 116.2

8. What do Adventist parents need to realize more fully? (558:3, 559:0)

9. What will be read in the solemn assembly of the last day? (560:2)

CG-SG 117.1

10. What two things will the trumpet of the Archangel soon do? (561:0)
CG-SG 117.2

11. In its record books, what does Heaven mark? (561:3)

CG-SG 117.3

12. Whom will lost children face in the judgment? (561:4)

CG-SG 117.4

13. Day by day, what is God taking of His people? (562:1)

CG-SG 117.5

14. What is included in God’s picture of us? (563:1)
CG-SG 118.1

15. What will rest on unfaithful parents? (563:4)

CG-SG 118.2

16. Complete: “There will be a _______________________ of the family chain.” (565:3) CG-SG 118.3

17. Complete: “Little children are borne by holy angels to their _______________________ arms.” (566:3) CG-SG 118.4

18. What do we ever need to keep before us? (568:3)

CG-SG 118.5

19. With what question does this treasured volume end? (569:2)

CG-SG 118.6

C. Rate your attitude toward Christ’s second coming: Adds joy and delight to all my waking moments_____ Causes me to stop and think seriously_____ Fear and dread take hold of me_____ Terror and anguish seize me at the thought_____ CG-SG 118.7

1. I think the best picture God has taken of me was

2. I think the worst picture God has taken of me was

CG-SG 118.8

D. Discuss with others:
1. The lateness of the hour—God’s last hour!

2. Is my family ready should Christ come now?

3. Preparing our youth for the coming crisis. (556, 557)

4. Example of strict obedience—part of the third angel’s message.

5. Describe the judgment day for parents and children.

6. Can parents be saved when children are lost? (561)

7. God’s photograph of me. (562, 563)

8. Children praising or condemning parents in judgment.

9. The reunited families in heaven.

10. Is heaven worth it? Why?

11. God’s shocking words to careless parents.

12. The Master’s final condemnation.
CG-SG 119.1

E. Think on these things:
1. When will Christ actually come?
2. Am I ready now?
3. Is my child ready?
4. If not, when do I begin working for him?
5. If Christ came this minute, is my child where He can find him?
CG-SG 119.2

6. Could He recognize him as being His by his words and acts?

7. Has God taken my picture today?

CG-SG 120.1

F. Name my greatest desire for my child.

CG-SG 120.2

Answers to Section I CG-SG 120.3

1. Home.
2. Parents.
3. Respect, obedience, reverence, self-control.
4. Home above.
5. Kind, patient.
6. Religious.
7. Parents’.
8. Before the birth of the child.
9. For a happy life here and hereafter.
10. Sound minds in sound bodies.
11. That they be kept from evil.
12. Parents.
13. So that he would not be exposed to temptation and would heed his parents’ instruction.
14. Training of their children.
15. Teach, Christ.
CG-SG 120.4

(a) Industry; (b) neatness; (c) order.
CG-SG 121.1

17. Sin.
18. (a) Tender, guarded; (b) kind, courteous; (c) pleasant, atmosphere; (d) differ.
19. Because of constant association.
20. (a) Word; (b) action.
21. Haphazard work.
22. His education.
23. Spirit of love.
24. After they train and discipline themselves.
25. Habits cling to the entire life-experience.
26. He will educate the rest.
CG-SG 121.2

Answers to Section II CG-SG 121.3

1. Obey, commands cheerfully.
2. Satan.
3. Gentle manner, nerves.
4. They may not be equally adapted to the circumstances of the matter or to the peculiar disposition or temperament of each child.
5. (a) Reason; (b) correct; (c) patiently teach.
6. Nature.
7. Health, happiness.
CG-SG 121.4

8. Loathe, spiritual.
9. Everywhere in nature.
10. Physical and mental attainments.
11. Reasoning, duties, perform.
12. (a) Go; (b) come; (c) dress; (d) act as they please.
13. They are noticed and praised too much.
14. Control, will, obey, reason, conscience.
15. Word of God.
16. Love of God.
17. Sense of God’s presence.
18. Source, delight.
19. Results of sin.
20. Every object in nature.
21. The fields and hills.
22. As lambs in the sunlight.
>23. Strengthen it.
24. The character of God.
25. Faithfulness.
Answers to Section III
CG-SG 122.1

1. Qualified, account.
2. Mother’s.
3. (a) Physical needs; (b) mental growth; (c) spiritual growth.
4. Fathers, mothers.
5. Physiology, hygiene, prenatal influence, heredity, sanitation, dress, exercise, treatment of disease, mental development, moral training.
6. Not until parents receive training.
7. Parenthood, sin.
8. Souls of children.
9. Rules that God has given.
10. Of love and kindness.
11. They will love, honor, and obey God.
12. Redeem, neglect.
13. Displeasure of God.
14. Mind, pure.
15. Our words; hasty temper.
16. Do not despair. Make decided reforms.
17. (a) Trust; (b) responsibility; (c) opportunity.
18. It draws them away from the duties of home and the training of their little ones.
19. Amazing power.
20. (a) Read; (b) be informed; (c) be a companion to her husband; (d) keep in touch with developing minds of her children.
CG-SG 123.1

21. Variety, stir, earnest effort, willpower.
22. While parents sleep in indifference.
23. Yes.
24. Receive instruction.
25. Obedience.
CG-SG 124.1

Answers to Section IV CG-SG 124.2

1. Education, obedience.
2. Promote happiness, honor God.
3. Law of God.
4. It is a great offense.
5. He would not stay His judgments.
6. Righteousness and sin, obedience and disobedience.
7. Obey.
8. (a) Obey, (b) respect, (c) reverence their parents.
9. Reason.
10. Plain, simple, and kind.
11. Your love.
12. (a) Selfishness; (b) anger; (c) self-will.
13. Kindly, loving, firm.
CG-SG 124.3

14. Their heavenly Father.
15. The obedient.
16. By gentle, persistent effort.
17. Implicitly, parents.
18. Submission and obedience.
19. Sin.
20. Pleasantly, scolding, faultfinding.
21. So they will know what they should do.
22. Repress, firm, impatience, passion.
23. To work as he will.
24. Parents.
CG-SG 125.1

Answers to Section V CG-SG 125.2

1. Their wishes.
2. To allow wrong habits to be developed, to let him rule.
3. Nothing.
4. Never.
5. To govern self.
6. Indulgence.
7. Encourage passionate tempers.
CG-SG 125.3

8. Be quiet and respectful.
9. Boisterous.
10. Not one.
11. Reverence.
12. They are not their playthings.
13. Handle, other people.
14. Playthings, strong, durable.
15. Keep us healthy.
16. Physical and moral education.
17. Today.
18. No.
19. Perfect cleanliness, sunlight.
20. Order, taste.
21. So he will have a sense of ownership.
22. (a) Health, (b) spirits, (c) memory, (d) disposition.
23. (a) Association, (b) books, (c) habits.
24. Alone, children.
25. Sensual indulgence.
CG-SG 126.1

Answers to Section VI CG-SG 127.1

1. As early as possible.
2. Children, happiness.
3. Early.
4. A workshop.
5. Obligations, mutual.
6. Six.
7. Performing every duty as unto the Lord.
8. Occupation.
9. Leaving them with nothing to do.
10. Training, streets.
11. Life, character.
12. Treasure, trust, account.
13. Time squandered.
14. Laziness, indolence.
15. Indolence.
16. Fussy, lingering habits.
17. Work.
18. Active industry.
19. Change, children.
20. Industry, thoroughness.
CG-SG 127.2

21. Little things.
22. Self-denial.
23. Sacrifice.
24. Every member.
25. Two to four years of age.
26. Bear them bravely.
27. Temper, passionate, unvarying, courtesy, self-control.
28. Economy, industry, sobriety.
29. Younger members of flock.
30. Houses, money, required.
31. Nothing that can be utilized.
32. By using it.
33. Account.
CG-SG 128.1

Answers to Section VII CG-SG 128.2

1. Forced, precocious, grace, early.
2. Artificial.
3. (a) Looks; (b) words; (c) actions.
4. Foster their vanity and willfulness.
5. (a) Appreciation; (b) sympathy; (c) encouragement.
CG-SG 128.3

6. (a) Simplicity; (b) trust.
7. Selfishness.
8. (a) Polite; (b) compassionate; (c) loving; (d) pitiful; (e) courteous; (f) tenderhearted.
9. (a) Courtesy; (b) cheerfulness; (c) affection.
10. (a) Pride; (b) self-esteem; (c) boldness.
11. Priceless, modesty.
12. Mind, body.
13. (a) Gloomy; (b) mournful; (c) depressed; (d) despairing.
14. Christian cheerfulness.
15. Words that will bring sunshine and joy.
16. Cheerful.
17. Deceitful.
18. Artless simplicity.
19. Truthfulness.
20. Truthful.
21. Tell the truth.
22. Because of our sense of obligation to God.
23. Every action.
24. Self-pity.
25. Worthy, trust.
CG-SG 129.1

Answers to Section VIII CG-SG 130.1

1. Character.
2. (a) Power of will; (b) power of self-control.
3. The formation of character.
4. At every stage of development.
5. Children thoroughly educated to take their places in society.
6. Repetition of the act.
7. Self-development.
8. Faith in Christ.
9. Forming a good character.
10. Constant watchfulness.
11. Restore.
12. Parents.
13. Neglect or indulgence.
14. Every moment.
15. He will hear their prayers, work with their efforts.
16. The work He has left for parents to do.
17. Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, and charity.
18. Thorns.
CG-SG 130.2

19. Indulgence, rod of iron.
20. Subdue tempers in their children.
21. Dallying with sin.
22. When they let evil go unrestrained.
23. When they disregard the commands of God.
24. As disturbers of the peace and corrupters of their companions.
25. If they are ill-disciplined.
26. Selfishness.
27. The divine.
28. A fortification of prayer and faith.
29. When they are young.
30. By training them in good habits of eating, drinking, dressing, and exercise.
CG-SG 131.1

Answers to Section IX CG-SG 131.2

1. Seven, all.
2. The first.
3. The first three.
4. Firm, decided, straightforward.
5. To begin early enough.
6. Practical arts.
CG-SG 131.3

7. By every familiar object.
8. Those wisely trained in childhood.
9. Repetition, confirmed.
10. The early years.
11. What he sees and hears.
12. Persevering.
13. By not paying attention to small actions that are wrong.
14. Disgusting and offensive.
15. Self-control.
16. Obedient.
17. We should sacredly regard them.
18. Self-control.
19. Crush.
20. Duty.
21. Disposition.
22. Decision.
23. “To form a character of integrity and to live a life of usefulness.”
24. Give it proper direction.
25. Molded, ignored, crushed.
26. Drive them.
CG-SG 132.1

27. Reason and principle.
28. Submission.
29. Letting the child control.
30. Rude.
31. Those who feel no guilt and no need of repentance.
32. By parents being kind and gentle.
33. One word of fretfulness, harshness, or passion.
34. (a) Looks, (b) words, (c) actions.
CG-SG 133.1

Answers to Section X CG-SG 133.2

1. Training child for self-government.
2. Restrain, guide, control.
3. The mother’s.
4. Obedience to God’s commandments.
5. To be respected.
6. Their own judgment.
7. Encourage the children.
8. Life, future.
9. The moment he begins to choose his own will and way.
10. With mildness and firmness.
CG-SG 133.3

11. It places too much responsibility on them.
12. Evil, encourage.
13. Parental neglect.
14. Fathers and mothers.
15. Home or school.
16. Excuse, children.
17. As long as they are under the roof of the parents.
18. Patiently.
19. Help.
20. Few, obeyed.
21. Call them to account for their neglect.
22. When other resorts fail.
23. It would shake two evil spirits in while shaking one out.
24. (a) Reason; (b) pray.
25. Stepping-stone to better and higher things.
26. Duty.
27. They bring unhappiness to him and displease God.
28. Sparing.
29. Unpromising ones.
30. Love.
CG-SG 134.1

31. Affection and Christlike authority.
32. (a) Firmness; (b) decision; (c) positive requirements.
33. Children’s eternal interests.
CG-SG 135.1

Answers to Section XI CG-SG 135.2

1. Love.
2. Indulgence in the home.
3. Character.
4. Their wicked indulgence.
5. Pass.
6. Weak, impulsive characters.
7. When we overlook and excuse sin; when we practice unlimited indulgence.
8. To Satan.
9. At the hour of death.
10. Wish, children.
11. Cause, effect.
12. Improve.
13. Censure.
14. Sense of injustice.
15. (a) Fret; (b) scold; (c) ridicule.
CG-SG 135.3

16. Impatience in parents.
17. Not in a single instance.
18. Lack of firmness and decision.
19. Undecided, overindulgent.
20. Through fear of evil results they refuse permission to indulge in simple pleasures.
21. Worst passions.
22. In a scolding manner.
23. Unfit, grandchildren.
24. Never.
25. Not once.
26. Should not live “within a few miles of one another.”
27. They are happier because there is less tendency to correct each other. Petty jealousies and misunderstandings are avoided by living farther apart.
CG-SG 136.1

Answers to Section XII CG-SG 136.2

1. (a) Physical; (b) mental.
2. To know and understand the will of God.
3. Selfish rivalry.
4. (a) Eden. (b) The Creator. (c) Nature.
5. Practical and literary training.
6. Service for Christ.
CG-SG 136.3

7. Christianity.
8. The world.
9. Never.
10. In field or garden.
11. Physical.
12. Habits of industry.
13. School, early.
14. Christian instruction.
15. Scriptural.
16. Educated, Bible.
17. In Sabbath school they learn the truth; in day school they learn falsehood.
18. Six.
19. To save the children.
20. Of the very highest order.
21. As a watchman.
22. All share.
23. Help them.
24. No amount of labor for others can excuse us for neglecting our children and youth.
25. How can you take such a risk?
26. To help the children physically, mentally, spiritually.
CG-SG 137.1

27. If parents neglect proper discipline.
28. Both will be encouraged and strengthened.
29. Those who are true to God, principle, and themselves.
30. Schools of the prophets.
31. All.
32. It wearies the mind.
33. The teacher’s.
CG-SG 138.1

Answers to Section XIII CG-SG 138.2

1. (a) Open air; (b) well-regulated employment; (c) well-regulated amusement.
2. Nervous system.
3. Useful labor.
4. Inaction.
5. Dangerous.
6. Those who are always busy.
7. Make a pure and virtuous character.
8. Equalizing the taxation of mental and physical powers.
9. Character.
10. Happiness.
11. Diligent.
CG-SG 138.3

12. The discipline of labor is essential.
13. Accuracy and thoroughness.
14. Untold evil, imperiling lives, crippling usefulness.
15. Each child.
16. Use of time.
17. Exercise.
18. By encouraging a spirit of unselfish service in the home.
19. Quicken and invigorate.
20. Some trade.
21. Trades and employment.
22. Agriculture.
23. Their freshness from orchard and garden.
24. Knowledge of labor.
25. The mind.
26. Servants.
27. Physiology and hygiene.
28. Nature.
29. On every nerve, muscle, and fiber of the body.
30. Respiration and vocal culture.
31. (a) Pure air; (b) sunlight; (c) abstemiousness; (d) rest; (e) exercise; (f) proper diet; (g) use of water; (h) trust in divine power.
32. Guardian.
CG-SG 139.1

Answers to Section XIV CG-SG 140.1

1. The cook.
2. Homemaking.
3. Bound, faithfulness, duties.
4. Cooking.
5. To know how to cook and teach daughters to cook.
6. To prepare palatable and healthful food.
7. Poor cookery.
8. Scanty, ill-cooked food.
9. Thoroughly.
10. By teaching them the art of cookery.
11. To cook economically and to dispense with flesh food.
12. Fortune.
13. Food.
14. As an infant.
15. It will tend to make them quiet and sweet-tempered.
16. Unhealthful food.
17. (a) Grains; (b) fruits; (c) nuts; (d) vegetables.
CG-SG 140.2

18. (a) Spices; (b) grease.
19. Animalizes the nature and robs people of love and sympathy they should feel for everyone.
20. Disease is increasing.
21. Meat.
22. Meat.
23. (a) Grains; (b) fruits; (c) nuts; (d) vegetables.
24. One meal.
25. Everything that can burden or irritate.
26. Stomach is unprepared for the new burden if meals are irregular.
27. Five hours.
28. Heartiest meal.
29. Intemperance.
30. (a) Eating; (b) drinking; (c) sleeping; (d) seeing.
31. Consequences of violating nature’s laws.
32. Intoxication.
33. Borrowed capital.
34. Everything harmful.
35. Abstain wholly from strong drinks.
36. At home.
37. They have poisons in them.
CG-SG 141.1

38. Before God.
39. Temperance in all things.
40. In the home.
41. From the cradle.
42. The effect of alcohol and tobacco.
43. They are to be masters, not slaves.
CG-SG 142.1

Answers to Section XV CG-SG 142.2

1. Neat, healthful, appropriate, becoming.
2. (a) Neatness; (b) modesty; (c) purity.
3. Of the man or the woman.
4. As far as they conform to health principles.
5. Extremes.
6. Heaven’s.
7. With pride.
8. (a) 1 Timothy 2:9, 10; (b) 1 Peter 3:3-5.
9. Desire.
10. Chaste simplicity.
11. (a) Appropriate; (b) becoming; (c) neat; (d) clean.
12. Virtually leave the truth.
CG-SG 142.3

13. Vanity and pride.
14. Quality, colors, service.
15. Economy, dress.
16. Look upon it as proof of weak minds and proud hearts.
17. Attract, wearer, excluded, enjoins.
18. Put on nothing to attract attention.
19. Appropriately, age, station.
20. Easily.
21. As warm as the body.
22. Display of apparel.
23. In our best apparel.
24. Moral disease.
25. All that is humble, meek, and lovely in character.
26. The whole family.
27. Fig tree.
CG-SG 143.1

Answers to Section XVI CG-SG 143.2

1. (a) Exciting love stories, (b) impure pictures. br/> 2. Licentiousness.
3. Sin and vice.
CG-SG 143.3

4. Youths’.
5. Nature’s laws.
6. Christian.
7. Moral pollution.
8. Evil seed.
9. Destroys.
10. Diseases of the liver, lungs, spine, and kidneys, neuralgia, rheumatism, and cancerous humors.
11. One half or one third.
12. Self-government seems gone; they die spiritually.
13. On elevated subjects.
14. Vice, children.
15. (a) Dress; (b) looks; (c) amusements.
16. Fascinate by impure thoughts.
17. Show her place, restrain her, and teach her.
18. Self-control.
19. Preventing children from learning low habits.
20. If they have not instructed them.
21. Religious principles.
22. It is easier to prevent evil than to cure it.
23. It excites passion.
CG-SG 144.1

24. Keep them clean.
25. Corrupt habits.
26. Hear and grant our petitions.
27. (a) Thoughts, (b) passions, (c) affections.
28. Unrestrained thoughts, reading, words.
29. All.
CG-SG 145.1

Answers to Section XVII CG-SG 145.2

1. Conformity, maxims, customs.
2. Parents.
3. Educate their children in religion.
4. Parents, Satan, conception.
5. Bringing children into the world.
6. All that is necessary.
7. Deathlike slumber.
8. Religion.
9. In our own home.
10. Converted parents.
11. (a) Tears; (b) prayers; (c) effort; (d) instruction.
12. None.
CG-SG 145.3

13. Religion of the Bible.
14. Religious duties.
15. By leading a consistent life and by exercising self-control.
16. With the Source of wisdom.
17. At a tender age.
18. Courts of God.
19. Law of God.
20. Eight, ten, or twelve.
21. When he is very young.
22. Religion.
23. Characters, eternal.
24. Daily.
25. Sound doctrine.
26. As a school of instruction.
27. Parents.
28. Heart education.
29. In safe paths.
30. Harmony, prayers.
31. Yes.
32. With being baptized and yet doing wrong.
33. To be able to lead them to God.
CG-SG 146.1

Answers to Section XVIII CG-SG 147.1

1. The Bible.
2. His Word.
3. Energy.
4. Trivial, sensational subjects.
5. First.
6. Each day.
7. Strength, inexhaustible.
8. The minister.
9. (a) Freshest thought; (b) best methods; (c) earnest effort.
10. The Bible.
11. Altar of prayer.
12. Communion with God.
13. Dull repetition.
14. Offer incense.
15. Morning and evening.
16. To keep us through the day.
17. By morning and evening prayer.
CG-SG 147.2

18. No.
19. (a) Portion of Scripture read; (b) songs sung; (c) prayer offered.
20. Interest, joy.
21. Every mother’s.
22. Seeking own pleasure.
23. (a) Worldly employment. (b) Soul’s needs.
24. Of preparation.
25. Assemble to sing, pray, and read God’s Word.
26. In bed.
27. Public worship.
28. Parents.
29. Simple but palatable and attractive—a treat.
30. Children are not to play on Sabbath.
31. Out in the open.
32. Interesting, hailed, joy.
33. Reverence.
34. Sacred.
35. With parents.
36. They should be removed.
37. Reverence.
CG-SG 148.1

38. Heaven.
39. In the home.
40. In the church.
41. Church.
42. Home.
CG-SG 149.1

Answers to Section XIX CG-SG 149.2

1. Marshaling his host.
2. An overwhelming surprise.
3. Training of their children.
4. Religion.
5. Not one day—one hour.
6. Make laws of God plain and urge obedience to them.
7. Self-control and self-denial.
8. Their responsibilities as character builders.
9. The reason of the condemnation of the sinner.
10. (a) Startle the living; (b) wake the dead.
11. Neglect of parents.
12. Parents.
13. Pictures.
CG-SG 149.3

14. (a) Our words; (b) actions; (c) thoughts.
15. Curse of God.
16. Relinking.
17. Mothers’.
18. This vision of things unseen.
19. “Shall the voices of your children swell the song of gladness in that day?”
CG-SG 150.1

“The work of all parents is to train their children in the way of the Lord. This is not a matter that can be trifled with, or set aside, without incurring the displeasure of God. We are not called upon to decide what course others shall pursue, or how we may get on the most easily, but, What saith the Lord? Neither parents nor children can have peace or happiness or rest of spirit in any false path. But when the fear of God reigns in the heart, combined with love for Jesus, peace and joy will be felt.”— Child Guidance, p. 67. CG-SG 150.2