Child Guidance -- Study Guide


Section XVII

Arousing The Spiritual Powers

Date ________ CG-SG 102.5

A. Read pages 471-502. CG-SG 102.6

B. Check your knowledge: CG-SG 102.7

1. Complete: “One of the greatest dangers that besets God’s people has ever been from _______________________ to worldly _______________________ and _______________________.” (471:2) CG-SG 102.8

2. Who are generally responsible for unfitting youth for life? (472:1)

CG-SG 102.9

3. If Christ is in the home, what will mothers do? (472:3)

CG-SG 102.10

4. Complete: “The sin committed by _______________________ in thus permitting _______________________ to bear sway is beyond _______________________.” (473:0) CG-SG 102.11

5. For what are parents responsible? (474:1)

CG-SG 103.1

6. How much of their time must parents give the children? (474:4)

CG-SG 103.2

7. From what are parents to awaken? (475:1)

CG-SG 103.3

8. What is the one great hope for the whole family? (475:2)

CG-SG 103.4

9. Where is our most important field of missionary service? (476:4)

CG-SG 103.5

10. What is one great need of the home? (477:2)

CG-SG 103.6

11. Name four things involved in the cost of saving our children. (479:1)
CG-SG 104.1

12. Under what circumstances may we fret at and scold our children? (480:1)

CG-SG 104.2

13. What is the only safeguard for the young? (480:3)

CG-SG 104.3

14. For what is the family a training school? (482:1)

CG-SG 104.4

15. How may parents best mold their children’s characters? (482:2)

CG-SG 104.5

16. What connection is needed to discern right from wrong? (484:1)

CG-SG 104.6

17. When does God want to adopt children into His family? (486:2)

CG-SG 104.7

18. For what are parents to train their children? (488:3)

CG-SG 105.1

19. What is the foundation of all enduring reformation? (489:5)

CG-SG 105.2

20. In what years may children be taught personal religion? (490:4)

CG-SG 105.3

21. When is a child to learn that he needs salvation? (491:0)

CG-SG 105.4

22. What is true education? (494:0)

CG-SG 105.5

23. Complete: “Teach them to form _______________________ that will live through the _______________________ ages.” (494:2) CG-SG 105.6

24. How often are children to repent of and confess sins? (494:3)

CG-SG 105.7

25. In what teachings should our children be instructed? (495:1)

CG-SG 106.1

26. How may evenings in the home be well spent? (495:3)

CG-SG 106.2

27. Obedience to God involves obedience to whom else? (496:1)

CG-SG 106.3

28. What is even more important than book education? (497:3)

CG-SG 106.4

29. Where will children’s feet not walk without parental cooperation? (498:3)

CG-SG 106.5

30. Complete: “We must live in _______________________ with our _______________________.” (499:1) CG-SG 106.6

31. Do children belong to God before baptism? (499:2)

CG-SG 106.7

32. With what are we never to taunt our children? (501:0)

CG-SG 107.1

33. As parents and teachers work to save the children, what may they expect? (502:1)

CG-SG 107.2

C. Rate your interest in eternal life: All important ___ Of major importance ___ Of minor importance ___ Of no importance ___ CG-SG 107.3

1. My main desire is to

2. My least concern is

CG-SG 107.4

D. Discuss with others:
1. The curse of the indifferent parent.

2. The future of the undisciplined child.

4. Gauging Christianity by the home life.

5. Training our children to be workers for God.

6. Conversion and baptism of children.

7. Soul training, physical and mental training.
CG-SG 107.5

8. The more important heart education.

9. Stumbling-block parents.

10. Helping baptized children to grow in grace.

11. Surrounding children with spiritual meetings.
CG-SG 108.1

E. Think on these things:
1. Am I unfitting my child for the realities of life?
2. Am I truly converted?
3. In what spirit do I teach religion to my child?
4. Do I make my instruction pleasant?
5. Do I give my child enough time?
6. Do I realize I am responsible for the life and soul of my child?
CG-SG 108.2

F. Name one way I as the (husband, wife, son, daughter) can make the evenings at home delightful and profitable.

CG-SG 108.3


______ Husband ______ Wife ______ Son ______ Daughter CG-SG 108.5