The Adventist Home -- Study Guide


Answers to Section III

1. Make it a subject of serious, earnest reflection now.
2. Happiness, usefulness.
3. Hopes, aspirations, influence, prospects.
4. They are mated but not matched.
5. Formation of friendships.
6. Sentiment, life destiny.
7. In the choice of a companion.
8. Will this union help me heavenward?
Will it increase my love for God?
Will it enlarge my sphere of usefulness in this life?
9. If the engagement has been entered into without a full understanding of the character of the one with whom you intend to unite.
a. TL.e. P.
b. TL.
f. TL.
c. TL.
g. TL.
d. TL.
h. P.
11. Crime.
12. “Thou shalt not steal.”
13. One that will embitter the whole life.
14. Satan’s ground.
15. Unite yourself with one who is an enemy of God.
16. Be safely formed.
AH-SG 60.1