The Glad Tidings


“There Is No Difference.”

There is only one flesh of man (1 Corinthians 15:39), since all the inhabitants of the earth are descendants of the one pair—Adam and Eve. “By one man sin entered into the world” (Romans 5:12), so that whatever sin there is in the world is common to all flesh. Therefore it is that in the plan of salvation “there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek; for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him.” Romans 10:12. See also Romans 3:21-24. No person on earth can boast over another, or has any right to despise another because of his sinful, degraded condition. The sight or knowledge of low vices in any people, instead of making us feel complacent over our superior morality, ought, on the contrary, to fill us with sorrow and shame; for it is but a reminder to us of what our human nature is. The works that manifest themselves in that murderer, that drunkard, or that libertine, are simply the works of our flesh. The flesh of mankind has nothing else in its power but just such works as are described in this chapter. GTI 220.2