The Glad Tidings


No Power Except in Faith

“For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.” The word here rendered “availeth” is the same word that is rendered “able” in Luke 13:24; Acts 15:10; 6:10. In Philippians 4:13 it is rendered “can do.” The statement, therefore, amounts to this: Circumcision is not able to do anything, neither is uncircumcision; but faith alone, which works by love, can do anything. This faith which works by love is found only in Christ Jesus. GTI 209.4

But what is it that there is talk about doing?—Nothing else than the law of God. No man can do it, whatever his state or condition. The uncircumcised man has no power to keep the law, and circumcision has no power to enable him to do it. One may boast of his circumcision, and another may boast of his uncircumcision, but both are alike vain. By the law of faith boasting is excluded (Romans 3:27); for since the faith of Christ alone can keep the righteousness of the law, there is no chance for us to tell what we have done. GTI 210.1

“All to Christ I owe.” GTI 210.2