The Glad Tidings

“The Fullness of the Time.”

Christ came in the fullness of time. A parallel statement to this is found in Romans 5:6: “When we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.” But the death of Christ serves for those who live now and for those who lived before He was manifested in the flesh in Judea, just as well as for the men who lived at that time. His death made no more change eighteen hundred years ago than it did four thousand years ago. It had no more effect on the men of that generation than on the men of any other generation. It is once for all, and, therefore, has an equal effect on every age. “The fullness of time” was the time foretold in prophecy, when the Messiah should be revealed; but the redemption was for all men in all ages. He was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was “manifest in these last times.” 1 Peter 1:20. If it had been God’s plan that He should have been revealed in this century, or even not until the last year before the close of time, it would have made no difference with the Gospel. “He ever liveth,” and He ever has lived, “the same yesterday, and to-day, and forever.” It is “through the eternal Spirit” that He offers Himself for us (Hebrews 9:14), so that the sacrifice is equally present and efficacious in every age. GTI 167.2