The Doctrine of Christ



IN the general field of investigation covered by the foregoing lessons the following books will be found helpful, in addition to those whose titles are given in the notes. It is, of course, understood that unqualified endorsement is not necessarily given to all the volumes here listed, but they are suggested as valuable aids if read with some discrimination. TDOC 293.5

“The Fundamentals.” Four volumes. Los Angeles, California: Published by The Bible Institute of Los Angeles. TDOC 293.6

“The Progress of Doctrine in the New Testament,” the Bampton Lecture of 1864, Thomas Dehany Bernard, M. A. TDOC 293.7

“The Characteristic Differences of the Four Gospels,” Andrew Jukes. London: James Nisbet & Co. TDOC 293.8

“The Bible: Its Divine Origin and Inspiration,” L. Gaussen, D. D. New York: Phillips and Hunt. TDOC 293.9

“Christ and the Scriptures,” Reverend Adolph Saphir, D. D. London: Morgan and Scott. TDOC 293.10

“Christ and the Comforter,” Reverend F. S. Webster, M. A. London: Marshall Brothers. TDOC 293.11

“Christianity Is Christ,” W. H. ‘Griffith Thomas, D. D. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. TDOC 293.12

“The Church’s One Foundation,” Reverend W. Robertson Nicoll, M. A. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son. TDOC 293.13

“The Incarnation,” G. S. Streatfeild, M. A. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. TDOC 293.14

“The Epistle to the Ephesians,” R. W. Dale, M. A. London: Hodder and Stoughton. TDOC 293.15

“The I AMS of Christ,” Samuel H. Giesy, D. D. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Go. TDOC 293.16

“Deeper Spiritual Life,” Reverend George Bowen. Edinburgh: D. Douglas. TDOC 293.17

“The Ministry of the Spirit,” A. J. Gordon, D. D. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society. TDOC 293.18

“On This Rock,” H. Grattan Guinness, D. D. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company. TDOC 293.19

“The Lord’s Prayer,” Adolph Saphir, D. D. London: J. Nisbet & Co. TDOC 293.20

“Aspects of Christ,” W. B. Selbie, M. A. New York: George H. Doran Company. TDOC 293.21

We regret to say that nearly all these books are probably now out of print, having been published some years ago. Some of them may possibly be found in the larger secondhand bookstores in this country, and those published abroad can generally be obtained through a dealer in secondhand books in London, who would quote prices on request. We have dealt satisfactorily with R. D. Dickinson & Company, 89 Farringdon St., London, EC4, England. TDOC 293.22