The Defense of Elder James White and Wife



The following statement of Mrs. Waggoner is offered by her in response to the remarks made by Eld. Preble touching her case. Eld. P. spoke of her calamities as caused by Sr. White’s testimonies. Mrs. Waggoner, of her own accord, makes the following frank statement: DJWW 98.1

TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I feel it to be my duty to say that it was not the visions that made our trouble. Had I kept near to the side of my husband, and not given place to the enemy, our hearts might now be united in the truth, and our family not broken and separated as it is. Do not lay it to Mrs. White; for had I lived up to what she taught, it would have been a blessing to me and to my family. But I rebelled against it, and thought my own way the best, whereas the enemy took possession of my mind, and so blinded me that I could not see as I should. O Lord, forgive me, is the prayer of my heart, and be merciful to me a sinner. DJWW 98.2

Mr. Preble said I could not be duped by Mrs. White’s visions. But I would have been the gainer if I had been a dupe, if that is what he sees fit to call it. I should be better off to-day had I not been so rebellious and self-willed. It looks like malice or spite on his part. It was not the visions, but my own wicked, blinded heart, that made us trouble; and I suffer justly — I deserve it; and if I suffered alone I could bear it better. I have found that the way of transgressors is hard. Oh! that I had heeded counsel, and kept by the side of my husband; then we might have been happy, and he might have done more good and been stronger, and the cause of God not dishonored as it has been. I ask the forgiveness of all whom I have wronged, or whose feelings I have hurt. And I ask the forgiveness of Mrs. White for thinking and speaking evil of her; and of the great God of Heaven, for I have trampled on his law, and crucified his Son afresh, and put him to an open shame. I also ask the forgiveness of my husband and our dear children. I have not been the wife and mother to them that I should have been. I have not set such an example as I should, and wish I had. O Lord, pity me and forgive, and teach me what thou wilt have me to do. DJWW 98.3

Burlington, Mich., Feb. 1, 1870.