The Defense of Elder James White and Wife
“We would call attention to the doings of the church at Battle Creek, published last week. The church deemed it necessary, for the good of the cause, that there should be an investigation of our business career connected with the cause, and a printed report made. If flying reports be true, we should be separated from the cause. If an open and critical investigation proves them false, a printed report in the hands of the friends of the cause with which we are connected, may, in some instances at least, paralyze the tongue of slander. DJWW 48.2
“We urge all with whom we have dealt to report. If you are in the least degree dissatisfied with our dealings, we entreat of you to make it known. Are you satisfied with our course? make it known. Have we refused means of any of you, or returned means? state the circumstances to Uriah Smith, chairman of the committee. Let the facts be known. Read the doings of the church in No. 18 again, and be in season. For the sake of the cause, have this matter settled.” DJWW 48.3
One and a half months after this, May 20, 1863, General Conference assembled at Battle Creek according to appointment. The following extract from the report of its proceedings, shows the action taken by that Conference in this matter: DJWW 48.4
“The next business brought before the Conference was the matter which the Battle Creek Church at a special meeting, March 29, 1863, as reported in the Review, No. 18, voted to lay before the General Conference, in relation to the charges and reports that are in circulation concerning Eld. James White. As no one had reported any grievances pertaining to the subject in hand, according to the request in the Review, the committee could only report that fact to the Conference, and place in its hands the more than threescore and ten fervent testimonials which have been received on the other side, with the recommendation that, as it seemed that no one dared appear to sustain the aforesaid reports, some action be taken by this Conference to show the falsity of these reports, and vindicate before the world the character and course of Bro. White. On this matter the following resolutions were adopted: DJWW 48.5
“Resolved, That the committee employed by the Battle Creek Church, be empowered to act further in this matter in behalf of this Conference, and prepare for publication a record of the action of the Battle Creek Church relative to the accusations against Bro. James White, and the substance of the responses received. DJWW 49.1
“Resolved, That this committee shall invite, through the Review, further responses on this subject, for the space of two months.” DJWW 49.2
In the same paper with this report appeared the following special notice: DJWW 49.3