The Defense of Elder James White and Wife
The position and work of Mrs. W. and myself, for more than twenty years, have exposed us to the jealousies of the jealous, the rage of the passionate, and the slanders of the slanderer. Having consciences void of offense toward God and toward men, we have kept at our work. But from our almost utter silence in the line of defense, accusers have grown impudent and bold, so that it has been thought best, for the good of the cause with which we hold so intimate connections, to meet their slanders with a plain statement of facts, which will probably appear in pamphlet form for very extensive circulation. DJWW 42.3
We have no personal feelings that we wish gratified. We have no lack of friends, or of public confidence. And it is only for the general good of the cause, to put into the hands of our people a means of self-defense from miserable slanders repeated by those who are in sympathy with the dragon in his general warfare upon those who keep the commandments of God, and have the faith of Jesus Christ, that a statement of facts will be given. DJWW 43.1
Will those who know of things in the general course of Mrs. W. and myself, during the period of our public labors, worthy of exposure, or unworthy of Christians and teachers of the people, be so kind as to make them known at this Office immediately. Have any heard unfavorable reports of us, they will please make statements of these reports, and forward them, with the names of their informants. This matter will be closed up soon. Those who respond, should do so without delay. DJWW 43.2
As to my business career, it is a pleasure to me to state that I am not conscious of taking from the general treasury of our people, or from any church, or from any person, one dollar unjustly. If I have, I call upon my enemies, as well as my friends, to show when, where, and how, and I will restore four-fold. DJWW 43.3
Our confession in this matter is simply this, that we have toiled on in the cause of God for more than twenty years unselfishly, and carried out the most rigid industry and economy, have suffered excessive weariness, cold and hunger, to save means to the cause, and have given of our scanty purses when we should have used the means for our own necessities. We now regret that we have robbed ourselves and family to help others, and have robbed the cause of God of more efficient service, by wearing out too soon, in the exercise of too rigid industry and economy. DJWW 43.4
In 1863, an effort was made by certain evil-disposed persons to injure Bro. White, by raising reports against his integrity in matters of deal. A call was then made to all interested to testify on the subject; with an especial request to those, if any such there were, who had knowledge of anything unfair or dishonorable in the course of Bro. White, to make it known. This call was kept standing nearly five months before the committee reported; but not a single individual came forward to openly accuse Bro. White of wrong. By refusing to respond to this call, those who had circulated these evil reports stood self-condemned. DJWW 44.1
On the other hand, many who had intimately known Bro. White for years, who had transacted much business with him, freely came forward to testify to his uprightness and integrity as a man of business, and as a Christian. These testimonials have stood uncontradicted to this day; and we re-publish them entire, in connection with those more recently received. The introductory statement is also re-published, as explanatory of the circumstances which called out these testimonials: DJWW 44.2
The circumstances which have led to the publication of the following pages, are set forth in the resolutions therein presented. The undersigned, the committee to whose care this matter was intrusted by the church of Seventh-day Adventists at Battle Creek, and the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, held at Battle Creek, May 20, 1863, have endeavored to fulfill the obligations placed upon them, not merely because so instructed, but under a sense of duty which they owed to the individual whose reputation has been assailed, as well as to the cause in which he is engaged. DJWW 44.3
It is not pleasant that prejudice, enmity, and malice, should so far take possession of people as to lead them to circulate lying reports, false insinuations, and wicked and unjust charges against any individual; but when a person is thus assailed, it may be a pleasurable duty, as in the case before us, to enter into the work of his vindication and defense. DJWW 44.4
For nearly five months, as the following record will show, an earnest invitation has been extended through the Review, which circulates wherever Bro. White is known, to all those who thought that there was any ground for the complaints, charges, and murmurs, against him, to report their grievances, and have an impartial investigation of the matter. No one has reported himself aggrieved. His enemies have thus betrayed their own utter want of confidence in the work they have been doing. Their silence has sealed their ignominy. Hereafter, in view of this fact, none will be willing to place themselves in the contemptible position of circulating such reports, except those whose enmity and prejudice overcome their convictions of right and reason. DJWW 45.1
The result of this matter is satisfactory and gratifying to the committee, as it must be to all the friends of Bro. White, and to every lover of truth and justice. DJWW 45.2