The Bible Echo, vol. 8


December 1, 1893

“Move to Adjourn” The Bible Echo 8, 25.

E. J. Waggoner

“Resolved, that the Christian life is one of gloom.” Perhaps you do not remember having heard this resolution read anywhere, but we dare say you notice something about it that sounds familiar. Some one has presented that resolution to you, and asked you to endorse it. Can you say that you have never assented to it? It has been presented a great many times, not only to you, but to all who have any thoughts of living a Christian life; and its author has had a wonderful success in pulling it off for truth. BEST December 1, 1893, par. 1

This resolution is drawn up by the devil, the father of lies. He comes to you with a company of his imps, choosing some opportune time, and with a voice full of the semblance of a mournful reality; he repeats the words. “I move,” he says, “that the Christian life is a hard, toilsome, and gloomy one.” The motion is at once seconded by his imps, and you-you, it may be, give your assent. So it is moved, seconded, and carried unanimously that the Christian life is hard and cheerless and full of gloom. You are discouraged and tempted to give up, angels are made sad, and the devil and his imps rejoice. BEST December 1, 1893, par. 2

You know the wicked falsity of the whole proceeding. Your whole Christian experience, if it has been genuine, tells you so. Genuine Christian experience is based on belief in the promises of GOD. You know, if you have taken GOD at His word, that He “is a Sun and a shield”; that JESUS CHRIST is the “Sun of righteousness,” and “the bright and morning Star,” that rises upon you and dispels your night; that “the blessing of the Lord maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow;” that “the fruits of the Spirit our love, joy, peace”; and that the psalmist spoke with no impropriety when he said, “Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous; and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.” You know the peace, and joy, and satisfaction that comes into the heart from believing and trusting GOD. You know the brightness of the hope that is set before you, that is always in sight to the eye of faith. Then do not allow Satan and his evil company to hold a meeting with you and pass a joint resolution on the gloominess of the Christian life. Keep these texts and others before your mind, and when the prince of darkness comes next time to discuss Christianity with you, and begins his old story of “I move that the Christian life is one of gloom,” you say, “I move that we adjourn!” Angels will second that motion, and the devil and all his imps will have no power to prevent its being executed. BEST December 1, 1893, par. 3