The Retirement Years

“Be Not Accusers of the Brethren”

I am bidden to say to my aged brethren, walk humbly with God. Be not accusers of the brethren. You are to do your appointed work under the direction of the God of Israel. The inclination to criticize is the greatest danger of many. The brethren whom you are tempted to criticize are called to bear responsibilities which you could not possibly carry; but you can be their helpers. You can do great service to the cause if you will, by presenting your experience in the past in connection with the labors of others. The Lord has not given to any of you the work of correcting and censuring your brethren.... RY 73.2

Follow on with your brethren to know the Lord. Sympathize with those who are bearing a heavy load, and encourage them wherever you can. Your voices are to be heard in unity, and not in dissension.—Evangelism, 106, 107. RY 74.1