The Retirement Years



Pressed with physical suffering and many anxieties over the work, but continuing her writing, reading of MSS., etc., eager to complete matter for books. Spoke 3 times in Oakland in Feb. at annual session of Calif. Conf. Left home April 5, with W.C.W., Sara M., and Minnie H., for G.C. Session in Takoma Park. Spent April 7 and 8 at Paradise Valley San., and addressed the patients. At Loma Linda spoke to patients and members “gathered under the pepper trees” on sabbath. In College View, Neb., April 16-20, and spoke several times. Visited institutions in Nashville area, in Huntsville, Ala., and Asheville, N. C., speaking in each place. RY 210.2

Reached Washington May 3, after a “long journey” in which she “labored constantly.” Continued to labor “constantly” before the session (May 13-June 6), during the session, and following the session. Met appointments in Philadelphia following G.C. Session; also in New York City and Newark, N. J. Rested a few days in So. Lancaster, then labored in camp meeting at Nashua, N. H. Visited Concord and saw property secured for Jewish workers, then returned to so. Lancaster for a few days before laboring in camp meeting at Portland, ME. RY 210.3

Spent a few days at New England San. In Melrose, Mass., Then started on long homeward journey, stopping for appointments en route at Buffalo, N. Y., Battle Creek, camp meeting at Three Rivers, Mich., Wabash Valley San. At Lafayette, Ind., Elgin, Ill. Camp meeting, Hinsdale, Ill., Madison, Wis. camp meeting, Iowa camp meeting at Nevada, Iowa, Kansas camp meeting at Council Grove, Kan., Eastern Colo. camp meeting at Boulder, Colo., and Salt Lake City, Utah. Suffered severely from failing heart in high altitude of the rockies, and was transferred in wheel chair at Oakland pier and Vallejo Junction. Reached home Sept. 9, after five months absence. RY 211.1

Sept. 10 went in her easiest carriage to see the Angwin property, which had been purchased for the college. Attended latter part of Calif. camp meeting at fruitvale, Sept. 13-16. Spent a few days at the new college site in late Sept. and early Oct., and took part in dedication of the school Sept. 29. Labored in Bible Institute in San Jose in mid-Oct., and in Workers’ Institute in Lodi Nov. 5-14; also in week of prayer at Mt. View and Oakland in mid-Dec. Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9, was published in 1909. RY 211.2